The 640 MEG Shareware Studio 5
The 640 Meg Shareware Studio CD-ROM Volume V (Data Express)(1994).ISO
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Text File
5,508 lines
___________ B B S S O F T W A R E ___________
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/T\empest BBS v3.xx Documentation
(Revision Date: 06-09-94)
( 1st Edition )
(C) 1990-94
Author: Michael Bockert
Documentation Done By: Michael Bockert
CHAPTER I - Notices
1-1 Tempest General Information.........................00
1-2 Legal Information...................................00
1-3 How to contact the authors..........................00
1-4 How to register.....................................00
1-5 Support BBS Sites...................................00
1-6 Tempest Boards List.................................00
1-7 Features List.......................................00
CHAPTER II - Requirements & Installation
2-1 Software Requirements...............................00
A) Kickstart........................................00
B) Stack Handling...................................00
C) Fifo-Handler.....................................00
D) SF (Serial Flusher for A2232 Cards)..............00
2-2 Hardware Requirements...............................00
2-3 Installation........................................00
2-4 Directories & Assignments...........................00
2-5 Tempest Command Line................................00
3-1 Data Files..........................................00
3-2 Available Describe Directory Files..................00
3-3 Available Text Directory Files......................00
3-4 Available Optional Directory Files..................00
3-5 Available Script Directory Files....................00
3-6 Module Directory Files..............................00
A) ArcCheck.mod.....................................00
B) BBSConfig.mod....................................00
C) FileArc.mod......................................00
D) FLEdit.mod.......................................00
E) InternodeController..............................00
F) InternodeLineChat................................00
G) InternodeLiveChat................................00
H) InternodeMsgSend.................................00
I) MsgArc.mod.......................................00
J) Nuke.mod.........................................00
K) UserEditor.mod...................................00
L) UserStatus.mod...................................00
CHAPTER IV - Commands
4-1 Function Keys.......................................00
4-2 Pull Down Menus & HotKeys...........................00
4-3 Global Commands.....................................00
4-4 Message/File Area (Both) Commands...................00
4-5 Message Area Commands...............................00
4-6 File Area Commands..................................00
4-7 Message Reading Prompt Commands.....................00
4-8 Message Editor Commands.............................00
4-9 File Listing Prompt Commands........................00
4-10 New User Menu Commands..............................00
4-11 Command Stacking....................................00
4-12 Re-Defining Commands................................00
CHAPTER IX - Account Editor
9-1 Account Editor: Main Menu...........................00
9-2 Account Editor: Period Limits Menu..................00
9-3 Account Editor: Period Info Menu....................00
9-4 Account Editor: Totals Menu.........................00
9-5 Account Editor: Terminal Settings Menu..............00
9-6 Account Editor: Msg/File/Conf Access Menu...........00
9-7 Account Editor: Normal Related Optional Flags.......00
9-8 Account Editor: Sysop Related Optional Flags.......00
9-9 Account Editor: Presets.............................00
CHAPTER X - (~) Variable Codes...........................00
CHAPTER XI - Door Code
11-1 Tempest Door Code..................................00
11-2 Paragon Door Emulation.............................00
11-3 Arexx Door Interface...............................00
APPENDIX A - Error Return Codes & Explanations...........00
APPENDIX B - Troubleshooting.............................00
APPENDIX C - Console Editing & Ansi Codes................00
APPENDIX D - Auto Description Detection/Creation System..00
APPENDIX E - Hydra Bi-Directional Protocol...............00
CHAPTER I - Notices
1-1 /T\empest General Information
Tempest BBS began as a project in mid 1989 as a result for a growing
need of a fully functional BBS for the Amiga(tm) Computer.
Officially released in February of 1991 by Tim Hatzenbeler.
Code was given to Rick Rumer in 1993 to continue the work on Tempest.
Code was given to Michael Bockert in June 1993 to continue developing.
1-2 Legal Information
The author of Tempest are not responsible for any damage occurring
through the use of Tempest and/or its utilities. You use this software
at your own risk.
If you find any bugs or are having problems with running Tempest on your
system, please notify me. I can only fix errors/bugs if I know about
You are not allowed to modify ANY of the executable files or the
documentation without prior consent.
1-3 How to contact Author
Tempest Support BBS - Dawn Of Eternity (515-255-3212) (7 Nodes)
Call the support BBS and leave mail to:
The Skeleton (Michael Bockert)
FidoNet Address: Coming Soon
InterNet Address: MikeBockert@dsm1.dsmnet.com
1-4 How to register
To register for Tempest send check or money order for $85. U.S. Dollars.
Michael Bockert
3846 - 36th Street
Des Moines, Iowa 50310
United States
Include your Handle, Real Name, Address, Voice and Data phone numbers,
name of your bbs, and any other info you feel is valid.
Also call the support BBS and get yourself an account for future help
and upgrades of the BBS Software. After your money has cleared you
will get the latest BBS Software and your own personal key file.
1-5 Support BBS Sites
Support Status BBS Name Nodes BBS Number Sysop
\/\/orld HQ...Dawn Of Eternity...7...515-255-3212......Michael Bockert
U.S.A. HQ...Prisioners Of R....1...515-964-7088......Chad Kovac
Canadian HQ...Higher Destiny.....1...514-975-1333......Stephane Vaillancourt
German HQ...Fate Gate..........6...+49-xxxxxxxxx.....Pilot-SFG
German HQ...Skyline............3...+49-xxxxxxxxx.....Casa Nova
Swedish HQ...Cosa Nostra........1...+46-511-75132.....Gambini
Australia HQ...Spies Like Us......1...+61-2-7471118.....Nico
1-6 Tempest Boards List
BBS Location BBS Name BBS Number Sysop Hanlde/Real Name
USA, IA Dawn Of Eternity 515-255-3212 The Skeleton/Michael Bockert
USA, IA Prisioners Of R. 515-964-7088 Night Stalker/Chad Kovac
USA, CA AirPort 805-983-2991 Pilot
USA, FL Dark Domain Private Tin Man
USA, MI 11th Hour Private Mko!
USA, MI Lost In Time Private The Minstrel
USA, NJ Logopolis Private David Stevens
USA, NY X-Factor 718-279-9488 Blaster
USA, TX Animal House 210-675-1565 Bluto
Australia Spies Like Us +61-2-7471118 Nico
Canada Higher Destiny 514-975-1333 Groovy/Stephane Vaillancourt
England DawnRaid +44-Private Tas
Germany At The Beach +49-Private Fiona
Germany Basis +49-Private Mario
Germany Fate Gate +49-Private Pilot-SFG
Germany Future World +49-Private Cocky
Germany Power Tower +49-Private Svobi
Germany Skyline +49-Private Casa Nova
Sweden Cosa Nostra +46-511-75132 Gambini
Many more, around 80, not recorded yet.
1-7 Features List
- Bi-Directional Protocol (Hydra) Compabile with ibm version.
FIRST! In the WORLD on Amiga to have this protocol installed and working.
- Front End (TrapDoor) Support for Fidonet
- Multi-Language Text File & prompt Support
- 128 Per User Flags for controlling Users!
- Command History (Working on all term software!)
(PCBoard,Cnet,Excelsior, Ami Express,etc don't work on all!!!!)
(Up/Down Cursor Keys to scroll through previously typed commands)
- File_Id.diz (Auto Descriptions) Detection
(Supports: dms,doc,dox,exe,lha,lzh,txt,zip)
Tempest was FIRST! in the world to have file_id.diz support on Amiga Run
BBS Software!! and will continue to have the best file_id.diz
implementation always. Tempest sets the standards!
- File_Id.diz (Auto Creation) Also first in the world to have auto creation
of File_id.diz files if they did not already exists.
(Supports: dms,doc,dox,exe,lha,lzh,txt,zip)
- No Connect Messages to enter, they are built into the software!
- Flagged files remain flagged even if you lose carrier.
- Flag / Select files for download with full range & wildcard support.
- Tempest handles the stack internaly, you never have to worry about the
- BBSConfig Module (Configure the entire board remotely from a door)
- Many different [ WHO is online ] Modules
- Internode Controller Module
- Abort user's transfers from another node (remote)
- Kick users off from another node (remote)
- Change online time of a user on another node (remote)
- ShutDown nodes
- Reboot Computer
- Internode Message Sending Module
- Internode Line Chat Module (Mutiple Users)
- Internode Live Chat Module (One on One)
- Full drop to dos option.
- External Account Editor System (In addition to the internal one)
with Global Editing Options.
CHAPTER II - Requirements & Installation
2-1 Software Requirements
A) Kickstart
Tempest requires kickstart 2.04 (V37) or greater to run.
If you don't have kickstart 2.04 or greater, you can try kicking
a rom image file into memory to upgrade your system to a newer
B) Stack Size
Stack is handled by Tempest for you, you don't have to worry about
it at all. If your stack is too low for Tempest to run, Tempest
sets it for you internaly, worry free.
C) Fifo-Handler
Tempest requires that you run the fifo-handler in your
You must have the fifo-hanlder installed in your L: directory
and the fifo.library installed in your LIBS: directory.
After you have installed the handler and library you need to add
the following line to your startup-sequence.
RUN <nil: >nil: L:fifo-handler
D) SF (Serial Flusher)
If you are running your bbs with an A2232 Serial Card you will
need to run the SF (Serial Flusher) Util. Use the following
template in your startup script for the bbs.
Run SF 2,3,4,5,6 60 45 TEMPEST:
\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \_ Path to BBS Setup Directory
\ \ \ \ \ \ \____ Buffer
\ \ \ \ \ \______ Delay
\_\_\_\_\________ Device Numbers of all Nodes
Make sure to use a delay of 60 and buffer of 45, they have been
tested as the best possible results that I can find.
2-2 Hardware Requirements
A) C.P.U.
If you want to run more than 1 node and you have high speed
modems of 14.4+ it is suggested that you have an accelerator.
Tempest has been tested on: 68000 / 010 / 020 / 030 / 040
B) Hard Drive
Not needed but to run a good system you need one.
C) Memory
You will need no more than 400k of memory per node.
D) Operating System
Tempest works on operating systems running at least 2.04(v37)!
Tempest will not work on kick start 1.3 machines, unless they
are using a kick program to kick a rom image file into memory.
NOTE: Workbench v3.0+ is the best operating system.
Tempest has been tested on: v2.04 / v2.1 / v3.0 / v3.1
2-3 Installation
First thing you must do after installing the BBS Software on your hard
drive and making the below assignment(s) is to load the BBSConfig(Setupbbs)
Utility to configure your BBS. This is REQUIRED to be able to run the BBS.
To load the config util you type the name of the cofig util followed by the
assignment of your bbs files where your setup directory is kept.
Example: BBSConfig 1 TEMPEST:
Consult the BBSConfig(Setupbbs) docs to understand how to use it.
- After setting up the software through the BBSConfig util, and loading
the bbs software, you can get into the program by first un-iconifying
the software (If it is in incoify mode). To un-iconify the bbs you must
click on the close gadget of the Tempest iconify window and the bbs will
After you have the main Tempest window opened up you can logon one of
2 ways. You can hit the F1 Function key to do a sysop logon or hit
F2 to do a local login. Read the the docs refering to the function keys
for more commands to access the bbs software.
- The demo contains a pre made accounts.data file for you, the sysop
account is already created!.. All you must do is hit F7 to access
account editor and edit the account to your handle and stats, or you
can do a sysop logon (F1 Key) and type 'TS' to edit your personal
information. The pre-made sysop account has full access to everything
on the bbs.
2-4 Directories & Assignments
A) Directories (Some Required, others definable)
ACCOUNTS -- Defineable path, Used by all nodes.
Contains 2 sub directories:
APPLICATIONS - New User application answers.
FLAGGEDFILES - Lists of user's flagged files.
Both sub-directories are hard coded names!
BULLETINS -- Contains all your bulletins.
HardCoded name, Used by all nodes!
CATALOGS -- Contains all file listings / Catalogs.
Definable path, Used by all nodes!
DESCRIBE -- Contains text files describing areas.
Definable path, Used by all nodes or can define
a different describe dir for every node.
If you are using languages.opt file for multiple
languages then you need to put a set of the text files
in a sub-directory for every language you use.
DOORS -- Contains your doors.
Definable path, Used by all nodes!
FILES -- Contains directories for all uploaded files.
Definable path, Used by all nodes!
LOGS -- Contains your log files.
Definable path, Used by all nodes!
MODULES -- Important doors needed for the bbs to operate.
Definable path, Used by all nodes!
MSG -- Contains directories for all messages.
Definable path, Used by all nodes!
OPTIONAL -- Contains many important files for the bbs including
files to re-define commands throughout the bbs.
Definable path, Used by all nodes!
SCRIPTS -- Contains all scripts and batch files used by
Definable path, Used by all nodes!
SETUP -- Contains all .data files needed by bbs.
TEXT -- Contains most text files viewed through out the
bbs. Definable path, Used by all nodes or can define
a different text dir for every node.
If you are using languages.opt file for multiple
languages then you need to put a set of the text files
in a sub-directory for every language you use.
B) Assignments
NODE: (must be assigned) T: in RAM would be best place.
You must also have an assignment for your main bbs files. This
assignment must contain the Setup directory.
For Example you could call it TEMPEST:
Whatever you choose to call it is fine.
2-5 Tempest Command Line
USAGE: Tempest NODE PATH: [Optional Arguments]
EXAMPLE: Tempest 1 Tempest:
[Optional Arguments] (Case Sensitive)
Most of these settings are just here for bypassing internal settings.
-b : DTE Highest Baud Rate.
-f : Front End Mode, Trap Door will answer the phone.
-i : Load Tempest in Interlace Mode.
-l : Local Mode, Disables Serial Routines.
-o : Load Tempest with full overscan on.
-O : OutPut Window (de_bug beta use only!).
-s : Serial DeviceName.
-S : Open BBS in Shared Serial Mode.
-u : Serial Unit Number.
-7 : Turn 7 Wire RTS/CTS Handshaking on.
-! : Remove carrier detection.
Example: Tempest Tempest: -sserial.device -u2
3-1 Data Files
Accounts.Data ---- Data on the users.
Accounts.inx ---- Index of User's Handles for fast access to Accounts.Data
Accounts.csum ---- Check Sum file of User's Handles, for faster access!
3-2 Available files in [Describe Directory]
(Add .ansi to filenames for color version)
(# = Area)
C_Area.# --- Would be the txt file displayed when going to a
Conference Area 0-39
(Used instead of M_Area & F_Area if you have your
msg/file areas linked togeather)
(EXAMPLE: C_Area.1)
M_Area.# --- Would be the txt file displayed when going to
Message Area 0-39
(EXAMPLE: M_Area.1)
F_Area.# --- Would be the txt file displayed when going to
File Area 0-39
(EXAMPLE: F_Area.5)
F_Pass.# --- displayed before password to access a file area (#=Area)
M_Pass.# --- displayed before password to access a msg area (#=Area)
C_Pass.# --- displayed before password to access a conference (#=Area)
DownloadInfo.# --- Would be the txt file displayed before downloading
in File Area 0-39
(EXAMPLE: DownloadInfo.2)
MsgPostInfo.# --- Would be the txt file displayed before posting mail
in File Area 0-39
(EXAMPLE: MsgPostInfo.2)
UploadInfo.# --- Would be the txt file displayed before Uploading
in File Area 0-39
(EXAMPLE: UploadInfo.3)
.G --- Any of the above files that have a .g instead of the
.x (x=Area) number will be the global default for any
areas that don't have their own file.
3-3 Available files in [Text Directory]
Languages Note: You must define your language directories inside your
Language.opt file in the optional directory. After defining all your
languages make sub-directories in your text directory that match the
languages in your .opt file. Make sure your Default Language is listed
first in the .opt file! For Example: English
Then put a copy of these files in each sub-directory for all languages you
have defined.
(Add .ansi to filenames for color version)
## = Security Level of the User (Optional)
Command Text Files
Cmds-CommentToSysop## -- Multiple Comment to sysops text
Cmds-JoinConference## -- Join Conferences Menu Text File
Cmds-SysopDownload## -- Text displayed before a sysop download prompt
Cmds-ViewArchive## -- Text displayed before viewing an archive.
Cmds-ZippySearch## -- Displayed before zippy search prompt
Help Text Files
Help-Bulletins## -- Help file for Bulletins Area Commands
Help-Conf## -- Help file for Conference Menu Commands
Help-Doors## -- Help file for Doors Area Commands
Help-FileArea## -- Help file for File Area Commands
Help-FileList## -- Help file for File Listing Commands
Help-MsgArea## -- Help file for Message Area Commands
Menu Text Files
Menu-AccountEdit## -- Account Editing Menu
Menu-Bulletins## -- Bulletin Menu
Menu-Conf## -- Conference Menu (If msg/file areas are linked)
Menu-Doors## -- Doors Area Menu
Menu-EMail## -- E-mail Message Area menu
Menu-FileListNormal## -- File listing prompt menu - normal menu
Menu-FileListSysop## -- File listing prompt menu - sysop menu
Menu-FileMail## -- File Mail Menu
Menu-FileArea## -- File Commands
Menu-GlobalCommands## -- Menu of all area Global Commands
Menu-LogOff## -- Logoff Menu.
Menu-MsgArea## -- Message Commands
Menu-MsgEditNormal## -- Message editor menu - nomral menu
Menu-MsgEditSysop## -- Message editor menu - sysop menu
Menu-MsgReadNormal## -- Message reading prompt menu - normal menu
Menu-MsgReadSysop## -- Message reading prompt menu - sysop menu
Menu-MsgScan## -- Message scanning menu
Menu-NewFileScan## -- New Files Scan from Date prompt menu
Menu-NewUser -- Menu of New User Options
Menu-Voting -- Menu of Voging booth options.
Password Prompt Text Files
Pass-NewUser -- Displayed before new user password prompt
Pass-RemoteShell## -- Displayed before Remote Shell Password Prompt
Pass-SysopCommands## -- Displayed before Sysop Commands Password Prompt
Pass-SystemEntry -- Displayed before the System Password Prompt
Normal Text Files
Text-Countries -- Country Codes List
Text-EnterChat -- Displayed when entering chat
Text-ExitChat -- Displayed when exiting chat
Text-Joined -- After joining BBS
Text-JoinedFileArea -- displayed when a user joins the file area and
they have the 'file stats display' disabled
Text-Joining -- Joining the BBS txt file
Text-Logon -- Logon screen
Text-Logoff## -- Logoff text
Text-MsgNextCaller## -- Message left to next caller
Text-States -- State Codes List
Text-SystemInfo## -- Info on BBS System's hardware/software
Text-Welcome## -- Displayed to all users when logging on
Warning Text Files
Warn-DailyExpired## -- User calls in and has no time for the day
Warn-LockedOut## -- Displayed to users who you lock out of bbs
Warn-LowSecurity## -- Msg to lower access than allowed at that time
Warn-LowUploadSpace## -- Displayed when the hd space is getting low for
uploads, sysop definalbe value.
Warn-NewSlow -- New user & baud rate too slow
Warn-NoNewUserEdit -- If exists, new users don't get to self edit
Warn-NoMoreTime## -- while online and time runs out for the day
Warn-NoUploadSpace## -- Displayed when there is not enough hd space for
uploads, sysop definable value.
Warn-OnAnotherNode## -- Text displayed when user tries to logon 2 nodes.
Warn-OverCalled## -- Called TOO many times in one day
Warn-PassHacking -- Text displayed when password hacking occurs
Warn-ReservedCaller -- Text displayed to user if bbs is waiting for a
reserved caller assigned by the sysop.
Warn-Sleeptimeout## -- Sleep Timeout text.
Warn-SysopUnAvail## -- Sysop not availiable for chat text.
Warn-TooSlow -- Baud rate too slow
Prompts.set -- Definable Prompts!
3-4 Available files in [Optional Directory]
Define Bulletins & Commands in bulletins area.
For filenames that you don't want anyone to ever download like:
accounts.data, register.data, etc.
A list of Co-sysops that can get mail when a user does a comment to
sysop. Requires Cmds-CommentToSysop in Text dir.
Define Doors & Commands in doors area.
Additional paths to be searched for files when a user is downloading.
Global Default File.
(X=Area) Additional Paths to be searched for files when a user is
downloading. This is so you can define additional paths for one area
without having to include additional paths for other areas like you
would in the above global downloads.opt.
Contains connect rates that are not allowed on the bbs.
CONNECT 1200/*
These examples would lock out 300 & 1200 Baud from connecting to the
This allows you to define pattern matches for locking out unwanted
text from the file descriptions. This works if user's type the
descriptions manualy or if there is a file_id file found.
All patterns will be autmaticly not used in the online description.
Redefines file listing prompt commands.
Redefines file base commands.
Allows you to have pattern matching for filenames that you would like
to be automaticly free downloads! Like a certain prefix or extension.
Defines the different languages you wish to have on your system.
All new languages should be added to the end of the list.
- Only define these languages in the .opt file, if you have a
sub-dir already created for that language and all text files
within it.
- If the languages.opt file is not found, Tempest will look for text
files in the root directory of Text and Describe dirs, just like
it always did before.
Redefines message base commands.
Redefines message reading prompt commands.
Locked out handles that are not allowed such as: SYSOP, ALL, etc.
Locked out passwords that no user is allowed to use. Such as easy to
hack passwords or common passwords.
This file contains all paths that will be allowed to be downloaded
from in sysop downloading or for local uploading.
Additional paths to be searched for duplicate files when a user is
(X=Area) Additional Paths to be searched for duplicate files when a
user is uploading. This is so you can define additional paths for
one area without having to include additional paths for other areas
like you would in the above global uploads.opt.
3-5 Available Scripts Directory Files
(X=Node) Script executed after an upload or batch upload.
Default AfterUpload batch file if there is no node specific script
(X=Node) Script activated when you hit HELP Key while waiting for a
call. Loads your Term up and will put bbs back online when you quit
the term. You may have to use the pause util in the script if the
term detaches itself from the script this is run from.
Default LoadTerm batch file if there is no node specific script
(X=Node) Script executed when a user logs off the BBS.
Default Logoff batch file if there is no node specific script
(X=Node) Script executed when you enter remote shell through the bbs.
These are like your shell-startup scripts. Can have a different one
for every node.
Default RemoteShell batch file if there is no node specific script
3-6 Module Directory Files
A) ArcCheck.mod
Needed for archive checking, striping, & adding
B) BBSConfig.mod
BBSConfig (SetupBBS) program loaded through the bbs
C) FileArc.mod
Archive & Download File Listings
D) FLEdit.mod
File Listing Editor (Edit File Descriptions and other info)
E) InternodeController.mod
Kick a user off the bbs, abort a user's transfers, change a user's
online time all from another node. SYSOP/CO-SYSOP Module.
F) InternodeLineChat.mod
Internode Line Chat Module (CB Module) for multiple users to chat with
other users online.
G) InternodeLiveChat.mod
Internode Live Chat one on one. A user can chat with another user on
another node in real time. The users both see what the other types
immediately after he types a character.
H) InternodeMsgSend.mod
Send internode messages from one user to another user on another node.
I) MsgArc.mod
Archive & Download Messages
J) Nuke.mod
Nuke Module for killing files offline and taking credits.
K) UserEditor.mod
Lets users change their handle, location, etc.
L) UserStatus.mod
Online User stats
CHAPTER IV - Commands
4-1 Function Keys
A) While the BBS is waiting for a Caller
F1 -- Sysop Logon
F2 -- Local Logon
F3 -- Open Shell
F4 -- Reset Modem
Resets the modem with the reset string.
F5 -- Extra Tools Menu
1 - Reserve A Caller
2 - Instant Connect (From Voice Call)
3 - Enable Serial Routines
4 - Disable Serial Routines
F6 -- Toggle Operator Page On/Off
F7 -- Account Editor
F8 -- Load BBS Data
F9 -- Exit the BBS
F10 -- Exit the BBS Off Hook (Busy)
HELP - Execute Term Software
Executes a script ' S:TermScript-X.bat ' (X=Node) which is
used to autoload your term. Then once you quit the term
the bbs goes back online automaticlly. May need to
use pause program if your term auto runs in the
B) While a caller is on the BBS
F1 -- Enter / Exit Chat
F2 -- Add 5 Minutes to the Time
F3 -- Remove 5 Minutes of Time
F4 -- Turn Serial Input/Output On/Off on user
This locks the user so he does not see anything and can
not type as well, this way the sysop can perform operations
on the bbs and the user doesn't see any of it.
F5 -- Remove/Add User Status Bar
This will remove / add the user status bar that shows
selective info about the user online.
F6 -- Toggle Operator Page On/Off
F7 -- Edit Account of user online
A please hold message will be displayed to the user while
you are editing his account.
F8 -- Load BBS Data
F9 -- Kick user off the BBS
F10 -- Temporary Sysop Access
To temporarily grant sysop access to a User, or remove it.
If user logs off the bbs the bbs will automaticlly remove
the temporary sysop access. Also any account editing while
temporary sysop access is on will not be saved!
HELP - Capture Log On/Off
4-2 Pull Down Menus & HotKeys
** Only usable while a user is online.
System Menu
| Toggle Page Flag [A] P |
| New Shell [A] N |
| Load system data [A] L |
| Capture Log On/Off [A] V |
User Menu
| Chat (Enter/Exit) [A] C |
| Add time [A] + |
| Remove Time [A] - |
| Edit User Online [A] E |
| Toggle Sysop Access [A] S |
| |
| Drop User [A] H |
Screen Menu
| Toggle Status Window [A] B |
| Iconify BBS [A] I |
| Interlace Toggle |
| NTSC/PAL Toggle |
| OverScan Toggle |
| Half Size Toggle |
4-3 Global Commands
[*] = Commands that are considered Sysop Related in nature.
* [ CA ] - Create Account
Fast way for a sysop to create a new account, asks for user's handle,
password and a preset to give the user for access.
[ CF ] - Clear Flagged Files:
Clear / UnMark all flagged files.
* [ DIR ] - Directory:
Allows a user to enter a path and bring up the directory listing of
that path.
[ DL ] - Download Flagged Files:
Download Flagged Files Only.
* [ DOS ] - Remote Shell:
Allows a user to enter a shell just as if he was on the system
operator's computer.
- A User Flag controls whether or not a user can access this command.
- This is considered a Sysop option and should only be given to those
you trust.
- This command will be password protected, using the Remote Shell
password in the BBSConfig. If the sysop has not defined a password
then the bbs will not allow anyone into the command. This option
requires a password no matter what!
- When entered, the bbs will check the S: directory for a script called
TempestNode-x (x=Node), and will execute a new shell using that
script, if it exists.
- To exit the shell just simply type EndCli and you are back to the bbs
once again.
- Entry of the shell will be recorded in the Sysop Activity Log.
[ FM ] - Private File Mail:
This command allows users to send private files to each other just like
they would in a message base except they are posting files instead.
This is also where you go to download files sent to you.
- A User Flag controls whether or not a user can access this command.
[ G ] - Goodbye (Logoff BBS):
This command logs the user off the bbs.
- If the user still has flagged files they will be prompted if they
are sure about logging off. If they logoff their flagged files will
remained flagged for their next call to the system.
- If the user has incomplete uploads the bbs will prompt them asking if
they want to logoff still.
- If the user selected not to see the Text-logon upon logging on then
the logoff text will not be displayed either.
- If the sysop has the global flag on and your personal user flag is on
you will be prompted if you want to leave a message to the next
caller before logging off.
- If the sysop has turned it on, the user will go to a Logoff menu
where they can, select from following menu:
[ L ] Leave comment to sysop.
[ M ] Message to next caller.
[ N ] No, don't log off.
[ R ] Re-Logon
[ Y ] Yes, Log off [Default].
[ H ] - Help Text Display:
This command will display the current area's help text.
- Command requires the proper help text file for the area the user is
in to display information.
[ I ] - System Information:
File: Text-SystemInfo
This command will display to the user information on the BBS system's
hardware/software setup, or anything the sysop feels he wants to
display in the text file.
- Command requires Text-SystemInfo file in the TEXT directory.
- The sysop can define seperate Text-Systeminfo files by adding the
security levels at the end.
[ INV ] - Invisible Mode (On/Off):
Lets user toggle the Invisible Mode On/Off. In invisible mode the user
will be hidden from other users seeing him online in the who is online
- This option can be turned on/off gloabally by the sysop to prevent
anyone from hiding.
- A User Flag controls whether or not a user can access this command.
[ LF ] - List Flagged Files:
Allows user to view and de-select flagged files.
[ O ] - Page System Operator:
This command pages the system operator for a chat by the user.
- There is a system flag set by the sysop that will allow/disallow the
user to enter a reason for the chat.
- If a user pages the sysop more than the allowed maximum per call, the
bbs will inform them the maximum pages has been reached and tell them
to post mail to the sysop. The maximum value is definable by the
- If the sysop has the Sysop Available flag turned off the bbs will
search for the text file 'Warn-SyopUnavail' and display it, if not
found the bbs will inform the user with a default prompt that the
sysop is not around and will not page the sysop.
- If the sysop has turned it on, the bbs will ask the user to enter a
reason for chat. If the user hits return on this prompt, it aborts
the entire operator page.
- After a user has paged the sysop, if the sysop does not enter chat,
the bbs will add a "C" flag to the iconify window next to the node
number to inform the sysop that the user has paged him. Also if
the node is un-iconified the user's name in the User Status window
will change color as well (If the node is using at least 3
- If the sysop enters chat with the user the bbs will display
Text-EnterChat (entering chat) and Text-ExitChat (exiting chat), if
they exists, if not there are default prompts.
- While in chat with a user.
CTRL-C allows the user to exit chat himself, if the sysop has allowed
such an operation.
CTRL-G will sound the beep/bell.
CTRL-T will display the current date and time.
CTRL-W will display who is on the other nodes.
- As soon as the user starts the paging, the bbs will use workbench's
sound preferences and will give a single beep, flash, both, or none
depending on the preferences. This flash will be displayed on all
screens just to let the sysop know that someone has paged them.
- All sysop pages are recorded in the callers log along with the
reason, if one was given.
[ PW ] - Password Change:
Allows user to change their password.
[ RL ] - Re-Logon to system:
This allows a user to Re-Logon to the bbs as if he logged off and
- A User Flag controls whether or not a user can access this command.
- This is considered a Sysop option and should only be given to those
you trust.
[ T ] - Time Display:
This command will display the current time and date to the user.
[ TS ] - Terminal Settings:
Terminal Settings:
( 1) Screen Length: 25 (11) Time Bar: (Now On)
( 2) Screen Width: 80 (12) MsgBase Info: (Now On)
( 3) Language: English (13) Msg SCR Clears: (Now On)
( 4) Msg Editor Type: FullScreen (14) File SCR Clears: (Now On)
( 5) Who Prefs: Deluxe (15) Ask Read EMail: (Now On)
( 6) File Scan Prefs: Classic
( 7) Ansi Mode: (Now On)
( 8) Help Level: (Now Off)
( 9) U/L Protocol: /T\ Internal ZModem
(10) D/L Protocol: /T\ Hydra Bi-Directional
(M) Turn Msg Bases On/Off (L) Logon Flags
(F) Turn File Bases On/Off
1) Screen length/height that the user can see on his screen.
2) Screen width that the user can see on his screen.
3) Lanugage the user has chosen.
4) Message Editor type, (Line Editor or Full Screen).
5) Type of who display the user has chosen.
6) File Scan mode the user has chosen.
7) Ansi Mode the user has chosen.
8) Help level, type of help a user gets from the bbs.
9) Selected Upload Protocol.
10) Selected Download Protocol.
11) Turns time bar that is displayed over main prompts on or off.
12) Turns msg base stats on/off for the user.
13) Turns screen clears on/off between messages.
14) Turns screen clears on/off between screens in the file listings.
15) Sysop Option, gives sysop prompt upon logon, asking if they want to
read their mail now or later.
M) Allows a user to turn On/Off Msg Areas.
F) Allows a user to turn On/Off File Areas.
L) Logon Flags that lets the user define what they see when they logon.
[ US ] - User Settings:
Allows user to edit his personal Data.
Personal Data:
1) Alias: MyAlias 8) Voice Phone#: 555-555-5555
2) Real Name: John Smith 9) Data Phone#: 555-555-5555
3) Address: 5555 - 55th Street 10) Computer(s): A3000 Tower
4) City: Des Moines 11) Birth Date: Jun 15, 1968
5) State: IA 12) Gender: Male
6) Zip Code: 55555
7) Country: USA
[ VER ] - Display BBS Version and Author Info:
Displays the current version of the software and author information.
[ VL ] - View Logs:
This command will allow the user to view callers log(s), sysop activity
log(s), and the debug log(s). It will come up with a menu asking which
log type you wish to view, then ask which node's log you wish to view.
1) Callers Log(s)
2) Sysop Activity Log(s)
3) De-Bug Log(s)
4) Capture Log(s)
5) Special User Log(s)
View which kind of log:
- A User Flag controls whether or not a user can access this command.
[ VN ] - View New User Applications:
View new user applications.
- A User Flag controls whether or not a user can access this command.
[ WH ] or [ WHO ] - Who is Online:
Allows a user to view who is on the other nodes.
- Choice of 5 different internal displayes, each user chooses which
they want to displayed, by slecting the format in Terminal Settings.
- Command uses internal routine, if you wish to replace it with an
external door, you will have to edit the .opt files for the areas you
want the command redefined.
- Users can hide from this display with [Q]uiet mode command.
- A User Flag controls whether or not a user can access this command.
[ Y ] - Your Online Stats:
Displays information on your account such as calls, posts, uploads,
downloads, area access, and other info.
- Command requires UserStatus.mod Module to be in your modules
[ ? ] - Display Menu:
Displays the current area's menu of commands.
[ ?? ] - Display Global Commands Menu:
FILE: Menu-GlobalCommands
Displays the Global Commands Menu.
Text Directory File: Menu-GlobalCommands
[ / ] - Change File Listing View Mode:
There are currently 7 different view modes for viewing the file
View Mode #1 - Browse: Heavy Verbose
View Mode #2 - Browse: Light Verbose
View Mode #3 - Scan: (Filenames 4 Across)
View Mode #4 - Scan: (Standard)
View Mode #5 - Scan: (Classic)
View Mode #6 - Scan: (Simple)
View Mode #7 - Scan: (Compressed)
* [ ~ ] - Sysop Download:
This command allows a user to download files from the hard drives that
are not listed in the file listings.
- A User Flag controls whether or not a user can access this command.
- This is considered a Sysop option and should only be given to those
you trust.
- This command will be password protected if the sysop has defined a
sysop commands password in the BBSConfig.
- User flag for controlling whether a user can download from any path
or just paths listed in the Sysop_Vol.opt file in the Optional
Directory. So with the Sysop_Vol.opt & if user doesnt have the
download from any path user flag on, you can restrict where users
can download from.
- You can lock out certain files from being downloaded with the
BadDownloads.opt file in the Optional directory. In this file
you can enter filenames you don't want anyone being able to
download. Such as: Accounts.data and Register.data.
- Entry of the sysop download will be recorded in the Sysop Activity
* [ ^ ] - Edit a text file:
Lets a user edit a text file from the hard drive, such as a script or
- A User Flag controls whether or not a user can access this command.
- This command will be password protected if the sysop has defined a
sysop commands password in the BBSConfig.
- This is considered a Sysop option and should only be given to those
you trust.
- Entry of the editor will be recorded in the Sysop Activity Log.
* [ | ] - Test a Door:
This command allows the sysop to test a doors without having to define
them first in one of the .opt files in the Optional directory.
You can test Tempest, Paragon, and Arexx Doors from this commmand.
- This is considered a Sysop option and should only be given to those
you trust.
- This command will be password protected if the sysop has defined a
Remote Shell password in the BBSConfig.
* [ = ] - Run a DOS program:
Allows the user to run a dos program in background of the bbs.
- A User Flag controls whether or not a user can access this command.
- This is considered a Sysop option and should only be given to those
you trust.
- This command will be password protected if the sysop has defined a
Remote Shell password in the BBSConfig.
- Any activity with this command will be recorded in the Sysop Activity
[ CURSOR UP ARROW ] - Scroll upward in command history buffer:
Allows you to scroll upward through your previously entered commands on
the bbs.
[ CURSOR DOWN ARROW ] - Scrolls downward in command history buffer:
Allows you to scroll downward through your previously entered commands
on the bbs.
4-4 Message / File Area Commands
[ B ] - Bulletins Area:
In this area the user can view any bulletin the sysop has made.
- The Bulletins are defined in the Bulletins.opt file in the Optional
- A User Flag controls whether or not a user can access this command.
[ J ] - Join Area:
This command lets a user switch from one area to another. Works in
both Message and File areas.
- Upon entering a new area the bbs scans for new messages in that area
that are addressed to you.
- You can do some command stacking with this command and include the
number of the area on the same line with a space inbetween like so:
J 5
[ * ] - List Message/File Areas:
This command allows a user to view which areas he has access to with a
description of the area.
[ > ] - Go to next higher available area:
Move to next higher available area the user has access to.
[ < ] - Go to next lower available area:
Move to next lower available area the user has access to.
[ UL ] - User List Menu:
This command will show a list of all users who have access to the
current area the user is in and are matched by one of the following
- A User Flag controls whether or not a user can access this command.
User List Pattern Matching Options:
1) By Alias 6) By Computer Type
2) By Real Name 7) By Access Level
3) By City 8) By Age
4) By State Code 9) By Gender
5) By Country Code
Select Pattern Matching Type:
* [ ! ] - User Account Editor:
This command allows a user to edit other user's accounts.
- A User Flag controls whether or not a user can access this command.
- This is considered a Sysop option and should only be given to those
you trust.
- This command will be password protected if the sysop has defined a
sysop commands password in the BBSConfig.
- It is impossible for anyone to edit the system operator's account
except for the system operator.
- Passwords will not be seen in the account editor if a user is in the
editor remotely.
- More info is provided in the Account Editor Section of the docs.
* [ ` ] - Self Edit:
This command allows a user to edit his own account since a user can not
edit his own account in the normal account editor.
- A User Flag controls whether or not a user can access this command.
- This is considered a Sysop option and should only be given to those
you trust.
- Entry of the self edit will be recorded in the Sysop Activity Log.
4-5 Message Area Commands
[*] = Commands that are considered Sysop Related in nature.
[ D ] - Doors Area:
In this area the user can enter whatever doors the sysop has installed.
- The Doors are defined in the Doors.opt file in the Optional
- A User Flag controls whether or not a user can access this command.
[ E ] - Enter a Message:
This commmand lets a user enter a message on the bbs system. The
message can be public, private, anonymous, to all users, forwarded, or
password protected.
- A User Flag controls whether or not a user can access this command.
- You can stack the user's name to enter mail to like so:
e User's Name
This will put the name given into the TO: prompt automaticly.
- To post a public message simply hit return or enter 'ALL' when asked
who you want to send the message to.
- To post a private message enter the name of the user you would like
to send mail to and select 'Y' yes when asked if you want to make the
message private.
- To post anonymous message, if the system flag allows it and the user's
user flag is set to yes, you simply select 'Y' yes when asked if you
want it anonymous.
* - To post priority messages (message to all users) you enter 'EALL'
when asked who to enter message to. User must have user flag on
to be able to do this command.
- To post password protected messages, if sysop allows it and the
user's flag is on, you simply say 'y' yes to the prompt asking if you
want it password protected.
- When asked who to enter a message to if you enter a pattern with a
'*' wildcard the bbs will go through all accounts finding matches and
asking the user if that is who he wants to post mail to.
- See also section on message editor.
[ F ] - Goto File Area:
This command will take you to the File Base Area.
- A User Flag controls whether or not a user can access this command.
[ L ] - Leave Feedback to Sysop:
This command lets the user leave private E-Mail to the sysop.
- If commenttosysop.opt file is in use in the Optional directory, you
can setup multiple sysops so the user can select which sysop to leave
mail to. The CommentToSysop.opt file handles the list of sysops
(Normal Sysop Excluded from list) and the Cmds-CommentToSysop in the
text directory is where you have the menu setup.
[ N ] - Global New Message Read:
This command allows a user to view all the new messages from all the
areas they have access to. It goes through each area one at a time.
[ P ] - Private E-Mail Area:
[ R ] - Read Message(s):
- A User Flag controls whether or not a user can access this command.
- See also section on Message Reading Commands.
[ S ] - Message Scanning Area:
Allows a user to scan through a message base with different options to
find the message(s) they are looking for.
[1] All message(s) to you.
[2] Your Unread message(s).
[3] Enter text to be searched for (Zippy Search for messages)
This option will let you scan through the message headers or if you
choose it will also scan through the entire message body as well!!!
This will show you all messages that are not private.
[4] Message(s) written by you.
[5] Message(s) from and to you.
[6] Unread messages you wrote.
4-6 File Area Commands
[*] = Commands that are considered Sysop Related in nature.
[ D ] - Download files:
- A User Flag controls whether or not a user can access this command.
- Ranges Supported.
- Wildcards supported (*,?).
[ F ] - View files (QuickMode):
- A User Flag controls whether or not a user can access this command.
[ M ] - Goto Message Area:
This command will take you to the Message Base Area.
[ N ] - New files from a date:
- A User Flag controls whether or not a user can access this command.
- N S U = New Files Since Last Call.
- N Y U = New Files Since Yesterday.
- N T U = New Files Since Today.
- N -5 U = New Files since 5 days back.
[ R ] - Read a text file:
- A User Flag controls whether or not a user can access this command.
[ S ] - Show Flagged Files:
Allows you to view, select, de-select flagged files.
- Ranges Supported.
- Wildcards supported (*,?).
[C] - Clear All Flagged Flies.
[L] - List / De-Select Flagged Files.
[ U ] - Upload files:
- A User Flag controls whether or not a user can access this command.
[ V ] - View Archive Contents:
This command allows the user to view the contents of an archive or in
some formats even let them test the archive for errors on line.
- A User Flag controls whether or not a user can access this command.
[ Z ] - Zippy Search for a file:
Will search through the file listing for given pattern.
- Multiple Searches at once supported!
- Wildcards supported (*,?).
- When entering this command the bbs will search for Cmds-zippysearch
file in the text directory and display it if it is found.
- If user searches for filenames including a '.' in the pattern, the
bbs will search through the catalog index files only and the speed
is unreal compared to searching through the massive catalog files.
[ ZU ] - Zippy Search for all files uploaded by a certain user:
Zippy search through the listing for all files uploaded by given
uploader name.
- Wildcards supported (*,?).
* [ $ ] - Local upload a file(s):
Local upload file(s) from your hard drive to your file listings.
- This is considered a Sysop option and should only be given to those
you trust.
- This command will be password protected if the sysop has defined a
sysop commands password in the BBSConfig.
- If the file Sysop_Vol.opt exists in the optional directory, then the
path the user enters, must be in the list of paths in the
sysop_vol.opt file. If it is not then the bbs will not allow the
local upload to continue. If the sysop_vol.opt file does not exist
then the user can local upload from any path.
- Wildcards supported (*,?).
- File_ID.diz (Auto Descriptions) detection supported.
- Desc.sdi (Auto Descriptions) detection supported.
- Archive Checking supported.
- Area selection supported (if sysop has it toggled on)
- Has built in protection to prevent users from local uploading the
accounts.data or the register.data.
[ + ] - Change direction of file scan to old->new:
When selecting this the file listing will go forward from old to new
when you enter (F) for quick mode.
[ - ] - Change direction of file scan to new->old:
When selecting this the file listing will go backwards from new to old
when you enter (F) for quick mode.
4-7 Message Reading Prompt Commands
[*] = Commands that are considered Sysop Related in nature.
[ A ] -- Read Message Again.
[ C ] -- Copy message from one area to another (NOT IMPLEMENTED)
[ D ] -- Delete Message (if message is not locked).
[ E ] -- Re-Edit the message over in the message editor. Can only edit
your own messages unless you have sysop flag for that area,
then you can edit all of them.
* [ EH ] - Edit Message Header - TO, FROM, SUBJECT, Msg Type, etc
* [ F ] -- Forward message to another user
* [ L ] -- Lock/Unlock a message from deletion
* [ M ] -- Move message to another msg area. (NOT IMPLEMENTED)
[ NS ] - Non stop message reading (CTRC-C to abort)
* [ P ] -- Put/Save file to a path*filename
[ Q ] -- Quit message reading
[ R ] -- Reply to message
* [ TA ] - Trace/Display author of msg
[ ? ] -- Displays command listing / menu.
[ - ] -- Change direction of message scan to backwards
[ + ] -- Change direction of message scan to forward
* [ ! ] -- Edit account of user that posted current displayed
message (account editing)
4-8 Message Editor Commands
- Tabs implemented.
- Can backspace on the first character of a line to go back to previous
- Can setup the editor to give command line when hitting return on a
blank line or you can toggle a switch to make it accept '/' or '.' on
the first character of each line.. and return just goes to next line.
- Message Editor supports 75 characters across by 100 lines down.
[*] = Commands that are considered Sysop Related in nature.
(A)bort - Abort the entire message being entered.
(C)ontinue - Continue with the editing of the message.
(D)elete - Delete line(s) from the editor. Ranges Supported!
(E)dit - Edit a line in the editor.
(F)ind - Find text within the message, uses a wildcard
routine to find all matches of given pattern.
(I)nsert - Insert a line of text inbetween / before another line.
(L)ist - List entire message.
(N)ew - Re-Start the entire message over, erasing all text
(S)ave - Save current message being entered.
(V)iew - View the entire message without line numbers.
* (G)et - Get text file and bring it into message editor.
Sysop only option!
* (P)ut - Put text to a file on the harddrive.
Sysop only option!
[BACKSPACE] - On first poition of a line if you hit backspace the
cursor jumps back to prvious line to edit it.
4-9 File Listing Prompt Commands
[*] = Commands that are considered Sysop Related in nature.
* [ C ] --- Copy file entry and/or file to another file area
[ D ] --- Download files
[ E ] --- Edit file descriptions or other file info
(Uses FLEdit.mod Module in Modules Directory)
* [ EX ] -- Exchange 2 file entries in the file listing
[ F ] --- Flag/Mark files for downloading
* [ K ] --- Delete files from listing, hard drive, or both then you
have the ability to remove credits.
Also ability to lock file out so no one can upload it again.
(Uses Nuke.mod Module in Modules Directory)
[ L ] --- List flagged/marked files
* [ M ] --- Move file entry and/or file to another file area
[ N ] --- Stop/Quit file listing
[ NS ] -- Non Stop file listing -(CTRC-C to abort)
** [ P ] --- Protect Files. Can protect them from deletion or protect
them from being edited.
[ Q ] --- Stop/Quit file listing
[ R ] --- Read/Display text file
* [ S ] --- Sysop validate a file
[ U ] --- Upload files
[ V ] --- View archive contents ( can view or test archive )
[ X ] --- Display extended file description on a file
[ ? ] --- Displays commands listing / menu.
[ - ] --- Change direction of scan to backwards
[ + ] --- Change direction of scan to forward
[ / ] --- Change type of file listing view mode -(7 Modes)
* [ ! ] --- Edit user account of an uploader of a file.
(account editing)
4-10 New User Menu Commands
[ R ] --- Register (Fill out application)
[ G ] --- Guest Account
[ E ] --- Re-Enter your name
[ D ] --- Disconnect (Hang Up)
4-11 Command Stacking
- Command Stacking on New Files Search:
[ N ] = New Files command
[ N S ] = 'S' Since Last Call
[ N T ] = 'T' Since Today
[ N Y ] = 'Y' Since Yesterday
[ N -x ] = '-x' Since so many days back, example: N -2 U
[ N 01-01-93 ] = '01-01-93' Actual Date to scan from
[ N S U ] = 'U' = Upload Directory
[ N S A ] = 'A' = All file listings in this area
[ N S G ] = 'G' = Global Scan of all conferences
[ N S U NS ] = 'NS' = Nonstop file listing.
- Command Stacking for Zippy Search:
[ Z ] = Search command
[ Z file.dms ] = Search for "file1.dms"
[ Z file.dms U ] = Search for "file1.dms" in upload directory
[ Z file.dms U NS ] = Search for "file1.dms" in upload directory
with nonstop listing
4-12 Re-Definning Commands
Guide Lines.
1. These file are optional, but if used they must be located in the
OPTIONAL DIRECTORY for Tempest to find them.
2. There are four area of the BBS in which you may define your commands.
a. The Main Menu Area. Actual File name: MainMenu.opt
b. The File Area. Actual File name: FileMenu.opt
c. The Doors Area. Actual File name: Doors.opt
d. The Bulletins Area. Actual File name: Bulletins.opt
e. The File Listing Prompt Actual File name: FileListing.opt
f. The Msg Reading Prompt Actual File name: MsgReading.opt
3. Any line that does not start with the '[' is considered a comment to
the BBS.
\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \
\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \_ Stacked Commands to execute with this command.
\ \ \ \ \ \ \
\ \ \ \ \ \ \_____ Command Type (Explained Below)
\ \ \ \ \ \
\ \ \ \ \ \_______ Command User actually types for your command.
\ \ \ \ \
\ \ \ \ \________ Limit the command to range of areas.
\ \ \ \ * = Disables this security check.
\ \ \ \
\ \ \ \_______ Must have access to this file area #
\ \ \ * = Disables this security check.
\ \ \
\ \ \______ Must have access to this msg area #
\ \ * = Disables this security check.
\ \
\ \______ Optional Flag Security Check.
\ # + Type, Examle: 22N or 33S
\ The Number is Flag Number user must have set on
\ Type is 'N' for Normal Flags and
\ 'S' for Sysop Related Flags
\ * = Disables this security check.
\____ Access/Security Level Security Check.
This is a single/range of security levels that
a user must have to use this command.
* = Disables this security check.
\\\\\\\\\\ \\ \\\\\ \\\\\\ Stacked commands to be executed.
\\\\\\\\\\ \\ \\\\\ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
\\\\\\\\\\ \\ \\\\\ The Type of command (Explained Below)
\\\\\\\\\\ \\ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
\\\\\\\\\\ \\ The command the user types at the prompt
\\\\\\\\\\ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
\\\\\\\\\\ : A break down of the security needed for command.
~~~~~~~~~~ : They must have a Security level of 10 or higher.
: They must have Normal option flag #12 set on.
: Access to Message Area #2
: Access to File Area #5
: Limit this command to area 1 only.
However, you may use an '*' in the Security Field which would omit that
part of the Security Check. An Example Follows.
\\\\\\\\\ \\ \\\\\ \\\\\\ Stacked commands to be executed.
\\\\\\\\\ \\ \\\\\ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
\\\\\\\\\ \\ \\\\\ The Type of command (Explained Below)
\\\\\\\\\ \\ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
\\\\\\\\\ \\ The command the user types at the prompt
\\\\\\\\\ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
\\\\\\\\\ : A break down of the security needed for the command.
~~~~~~~~~ : I don't care what security they have.
: I don't care what Option Flags they Have.
: Access to Message Area #2
: Access to File Area #5
: I don't care what area your in, works in all areas.
Command Types
[*,*,*,*,*] = FILES | CLONE | F
Tells the BBS to accept the Command 'FILES' and make it do the same thing
as the interal 'F' command would have done.
[*,*,*,*,*] = HELLO | ECHO | Hello World
Prints a one liner to the screen.
Ability to execute a script with a command.
[255,*,*,*,*] = UPDATE | EXECUTE |S:UpdateScript.bat
Ability to execute a script through the fifo handler. Info within script
will be displayed on the screen, viewable by sysop and user.
[255,*,*,*,*] = ArcCheck | FIFO |S:ArcCheck.bat
This is a slightly dangerous command. If not used properly it can disable
many of your commands. This command is designed ONLY for sysops
who have their msg and file areas linked togeather. Basicly this command
will take whatever was entered and throw it into the oppisite area. So
if the user was in the Msg Area and typed in 'D file1.dms' it would
normally not work! But if you had the following line at the bottom of your
mainmenu.opt file:
[*,*,*,*,*] = D | FORCE |
.. Then the command 'D' would force the user into the file area and it
would then use whatever was on the command line as if you entered it from
the file area. Same process works the other way as well.
Typical MainMenu.opt file entries:
[*,*,*,*,*] = D | FORCE |
[*,*,*,*,*] = Z | FORCE |
Typical FileMenu.opt file entries:
[*,*,*,*,*] = E | FORCE |
[*,*,*,*,*] = @ | KILL
Removes the '@' command from this prompt.
[*,*,*,*,*] = rz | MACRO | f;u;;
Tells the BBS, if some one starts an upload right here, jump to the
file area, and start an upload.
[*,*,*,*,*] = NF |MACRO |F;N;;G
Tells the BBS to jump to the File Area, and start a 'New' file search
[10,*,*,*,*] = Edit | MODULE | Config.mod
[10,*,*,*,*] = Arc | MODULE | MsgArc.mod
[255,39,*,*,*] = Config| MODULE | BBSConfig.mod
The above 3 commands would run the modules located in the
'Modules' Directory.
[*,*,*,*,*] = Rules | PRINT | Bulletins:rules.txt
If a person types the command 'Rules' it will display the following
text File.
[*,*,*,*,*] = Time Bank | P-DOOR | Doors:timebank
If a user types 'Time Bank' it will run this door, in [partial paragon,*]
[*,*,*,*,*] = Time Bank | REXX | REXX:tbank
If a user types 'Time Bank' it will run the Arexx Script Door.
[*,*,*,*,*] = Empire | T-DOOR | Doors:Empire/Empire
Runs a Tempest Door, when a user types 'Empire'
[-254,*,*,*,*] = REMOVE OTHER COMMANDS |
; Disables the internal BBS commands with people the security level of
; 254 and below. But the '255' level sysop still has all the internal
; commands.
This command placed in your 'optional files' will allow you to disable
all the commands that follow this line. Including the BBS's internal
commands, so it is very powerful for letting you define your commands.
Please note the trailing seperator '|' is mandatory.
PLEASE NOTE, this command will ignore all internal BBS commands so if you
wish to use them, you must 'clone' them in the optional file before the
** NOTE **
All extra comments and blank spaces will slow up the speed of the bbs when
it scans through the optoinal files. So keep your comments, blank lines,
and extra spaces to a minimum.
CHAPTER IX - Account Editor
9-1 Account Editor: Main Menu
User Slot..: # 1 14> User Status..: Active
1> Alias......: SysopHandle 15> Access Level.: 255
2> Real Name..: John Smith 16> Sex..........: Male
3> Voice Phone: 555-555-5555 17> Preserve.....: Yes
4> Data Phone: 555-555-5555 18> Weed Days....: 0
5> Address....: 5555 55th Street 19> Reduce Days..: 0
6> City.......: Des Moines 20> Reduced Lev..: 0
7> State......: IA 21> File Credits.: 0
8> Country....: USA 22> Byte Credits.: 0
9> Mail Route.: 55555 23> .............:
10> Computer(s): Amiga 3000T 24> .............:
11> Birth Date.: Oct 14, 1968 Age: 25 25> Time Left....: 300
12> Password...: User's Password 26> Chat Min Left: 300
13> Comment....: Sysop's Note 27> DL Files Left: 1000
Last Call..: Sat Jan 08 13:16:16 1994 28> DL Bytes Left: 10,000,000
<C> Conferences <TS> Term Settings <L> Period Limits (Limits)
<F> File Areas <O> Optional Flags <I> Period Info (Amount Used)
<M> Message Areas <P> Presets <T> Totals
E)xit, S)ave, R)eActivate, D)el, U)ndo, V)iew App <,>,+,-,? =>
[ # ] --- Number of item you wish to edit.
[ C ] --- Edit user's conference access (Both MSG & FILE Areas).
[ D ] --- Delete user.
[ E ] --- Exit Account Editing with no save.
[ F ] --- Edit user's file areas access.
[ I ] --- Edit user's period/daily info used.
[ L ] --- Edit user's period limits.
[ M ] --- Edit user's msg areas access.
[ O ] --- Edit user's option flags.
[ P ] --- Pre-Define user's access by preset account setups.
[ R ] --- Re-Instate user (UnDelete).
[ T ] --- Edit user's all time Totals.
[ TS ] -- Edit user's Termainal Settings.
[ U ] --- Undo all changes.
[ V ] --- View New User Applications.
[ < ] --- Go backwards 1 account.
[ > ] --- Go forward 1 account.
[ - ] --- Scan backwards through accounts when hitting return.
[ + ] --- Scan forward through accounts when hitting return (Default).
[ CR ] -- Return will take you to the next account.
9-1.1 Alias
9-1.2 Real Name
9-1.3 Voice Phone
9-1.4 Data Phone
9-1.5 Address
9-1.6 City
9-1.7 State Code
9-1.8 Country Code
9-1.9 Mail Route
9-1.10 Computer(s)
9-1.11 Birth Date & Age
9-1.12 Password
9-1.13 Comment
9-1.14 User Status
9-1.15 Access Level
9-1.16 Sex
9-1.17 Preserve
9-1.18 Weed Days
9-1.19 Reduce Days
9-1.20 Reduced Level
9-1.21 File Credits
9-1.22 Byte Credits
9-1.23 [ Not Used Yet ]
9-1.24 [ Not Used Yet ]
9-1.25 Time Left
9-1.26 Chat Min Left
9-1.27 DL Files Left
9-1.28 DL Bytes Left
9-2 Account Editor: Period Limits Menu
These are your limits put on users per period (Day).
| Period Limits | (111): The Skeleton
1> Period Length........: 24 (Hours)
2> Period Type..........: Hours
3> Time Per Period.....: 5,555 (Mins)
4> Calls Per Period.....: 1,00
5> Msgs Per Period.....: 1,000
6> File Ratio...........: Disabled
7> Byte Ratio...........: 2/1
8> Period File D/L Limit: 1,000
9> Period Byte D/L Limit: 5,000,000
10> Period File U/L Limit: 1,000
11> Period Byte U/L Limit: 5,000,000
9-3 Account Editor: Period Info Menu
These are the amounts used during the period (Day).
| Current Period Info | (111): The Skeleton
1> Calls...........: 334
2> Posts...........: 334
3> Downloaded Files: 100
4> Downloaded Bytes: 100,000,000
5> Uploaded Files..: 100
6> Uploaded Bytes..: 100,000,000
7> Chat Time Used..: 555 Mins
9-4 Account Editor: Totals Menu
These are the total amounts for a user.
| Totals | (111): The Skeleton
1> Total Calls...........: 4,736
2> Total Posts...........: 1,793
3> Total Downloaded Files: 1,770
4> Total Downloaded Bytes: 4,334,444,444
5> Total Uploaded Files..: 4,776
6> Total Uploaded Bytes..: 4,445,056,679
7> Total Time Bank Mins..:
9-5 Account Editor: Terminal Settings Menu
| Terminal Settings | (1): The Skeleton
1> Screen Heigth [5-255]....: 31
2> Screen Width [75-255]....: 80
3> ByPass Idle Time [0-255].: 0
4> Ansi Mode [0-1]..........: 0
5> File List View Mode [1-7]: 5
9-6 Account Editor: Msg/File/Conf Access Menu
MSG = Msg Base Access, FILE = File Base Access, CONF = Conference Access
0 CONF (Y) 20 CONF (N)
1 CONF (S) Amiga 21 CONF (N)
2 CONF (Y) IBM 22 CONF (N)
3 CONF (Y) Macintosh 23 CONF (N)
4 CONF (Y) etc 24 CONF (N)
5 CONF (Y) etc 25 CONF (N)
6 CONF (N) 26 CONF (N)
7 CONF (N) 27 CONF (N)
8 CONF (N) 28 CONF (N)
9 CONF (N) 29 CONF (N)
10 CONF (N) 30 CONF (N)
11 CONF (N) 31 CONF (N)
12 CONF (N) 32 CONF (N)
13 CONF (N) 33 CONF (N)
14 CONF (N) 34 CONF (N)
15 CONF (N) 35 CONF (N)
16 CONF (N) 36 CONF (N)
17 CONF (N) 37 CONF (N)
18 CONF (N) 38 CONF (N)
19 CONF (N) 39 CONF (N)
Possible ( ) Flags for above:
Global Flags (Works in all areas)
[ N ] --- No access to this area.
[ Y ] --- Access to this area.
[ S ] --- Sysop access to this area.
Msg Base Only Flags
[ R ] --- Read messages only access in this msg area.
[ W ] --- Write messages only access in this msg area.
File Base Only Flags
[ U ] --- Upload only access in this file area.
[ D ] --- Download only access in this file area.
9-7 Account Editor: Normal Related Optional Flags
1|Msg Base Access....:XX 22|Read Mass Mail.....:XX 43|View File Listings.:XX
2|File Base Access...:XX 23|Read Messages......:__ 44|Download Ability...:__
3|Bulletins Access...:__ 24|Post Messages......:__ 45|Upload Ability.....:__
4|Doors Area Access..:__ 25|Reply to Messages..:__ 46|View Text Files....:__
5|Voting Booth Access:__ 26|Post Anonymously...:__ 47|View/Test Archives.:__
6|File Mail Access...:__ 27|Upload Msg Ability.:__ 48|Uploads Auto Valid.:__
7|...................:XX 28|Private Anywhere...:XX 49|Send File Mail.....:XX
8|Can Change Alias...:XX 29|...................:XX 50|CD Rom/Tape Worm...:XX
9|Able to Re-Logon...:XX 30|Msg To Next Caller.:XX 51|Delete Own Files...:XX
10|Defeat Page Toggle.:XX 31|Forward Own Mail...:XX 52|...................:XX
11|Defeat Slow Baud...:XX 32|Edit Own Mail......:XX 53|...................:XX
12|Defeat Low Access..:XX 33|...................:XX 54|...................:XX
13|User Listing Menu..:XX 34|...................:XX 55|...................:XX
14|Break Sysop Chat...:__ 35|...................:__ 56|...................:__
15|View Welcome Screen:XX 36|...................:XX 57|...................:XX
16|View Node Lists....:XX 37|...................:XX 58|...................:XX
17|Internode Msg Send.:XX 38|...................:XX 59|...................:XX
18|Internode Line Chat:XX 39|...................:XX 60|...................:XX
19|Internode Live Chat:XX 40|...................:XX 61|...................:XX
20|Recieve Node Msgs..:XX 41|...................:XX 62|...................:XX
21|Ability to Hide....:XX 42|Archive Messages...:XX 63|Archive Catalogs...:XX
[A]ll, [N]one, # to change:
9-7.1 Msg Base Access
Ability to access msg bases.
9-7.2 File Base Access
Ability to access file bases.
9-7.3 Bulletins Access
Ability to access bulletins area.
9-7.4 Doors Area Access
Ability to access doors area.
9-7.5 Voting Booth Access
Ability to access voting booth area.
9-7.6 File Mail Access
Ability to access file mail area.
9-7.7 [ Not Used Yet ]
9-7.8 Can Change Alias
Ability to change alias or not.
9-7.9 Able to Re-Logon
Ability to re-logon the bbs without logging off.
9-7.10 Defeat Page Toggle
Ability to bypass sysop operator page toggle.
9-7.11 Defeat Slow Baud
Ability to bypass slow baud security.
9-7.12 Defeat Low Access
Ability to bypass low access security.
9-7.13 User Listing Menu
Ability to view area user lists.
9-7.14 Break Sysop Chat
Ability to break out of sysop chat.
9-7.15 View Welcome Screen
Ability to view Text-Welcome text on logon.
9-7.16 View Node Lists
Ability to view online who displays.
9-7.17 Internode Msg Send
Ability to send internode msgs.
9-7.18 Internode Line Chat
Ability to enter internode line chat.
9-7.19 Internode Live Chat
Ability to enter internode live chat.
9-7.20 Recieve Node Msgs
Ability to recieve internode msgs from other nodes.
9-7.21 Ability to Hide
Ability to hide from other nodes.
9-7.22 Read Mass Mail
Ability to read mass mail.
9-7.23 Read Messages
Ability to read messages.
9-7.24 Post Messages
Ability to post messages.
9-7.25 Reply to Messages
Ability to reply to messages.
9-7.26 Post Anonymously
Ability to post mail anonymously.
9-7.27 Upload Msg Ability
Ability to upload msgs.
9-7.28 Private Anywhere
Ability to leave private mail in any area, instead of just area 0.
9-7.29 [ Not Used Yet ]
9-7.30 Msg To Next Caller
Ability to leave mail to the next caller upon logging off.
9-7.31 Forward Own Mail
Ability to forward your own mail to another user.
9-7.32 Edit Own Mail
Ability to edit own mail.
9-7.33 [ Not Used Yet ]
9-7.34 [ Not Used Yet ]
9-7.35 [ Not Used Yet ]
9-7.36 [ Not Used Yet ]
9-7.37 [ Not Used Yet ]
9-7.38 [ Not Used Yet ]
9-7.39 [ Not Used Yet ]
9-7.40 [ Not Used Yet ]
9-7.41 [ Not Used Yet ]
9-7.42 Archive Messages
Ability to archive msg's and download them.
9-7.43 View File Listings
Ability to view file listings.
9-7.44 Download Ability
Ability to download files.
9-7.45 Upload Ability
Ability to upload files.
9-7.46 View Text Files
Ability to view/read text files.
9-7.47 View/Test Archives
Ability to view/test archives.
9-7.48 Uploads Auto Valid
Ability to upload files and have them be online immediately.
9-7.49 Send File Mail
Ability to Send private file mail.
9-7.50 CD Rom/Tape Worm
[ Not implemented yet ]
Ability to access cd rom / tape worm files.
9-7.51 Delete Own Files
Ability for user to delete files they uploaded.
9-7.52 [ Not Used Yet ]
9-7.53 [ Not Used Yet ]
9-7.54 [ Not Used Yet ]
9-7.55 [ Not Used Yet ]
9-7.56 [ Not Used Yet ]
9-7.57 [ Not Used Yet ]
9-7.58 [ Not Used Yet ]
9-7.59 [ Not Used Yet ]
9-7.60 [ Not Used Yet ]
9-7.61 [ Not Used Yet ]
9-7.62 [ Not Used Yet ]
9-7.63 Archive Catalogs
Ability to archive file listings and download them.
9-8 Account Editor: Sysop Related Optional Flags
1|Edit Sysop Flags...:XX 22|Post Mass Mail.....:XX 43|File Maintance.....:XX
2|Account Editor.....:XX 23|Forward Any Mail...:__ 44|DL Files Not Listed:__
3|Edit Own Account...:__ 24|Edit Any Mail......:__ 45|View/DL Sysop Files:__
4|Drop To Dos........:__ 25|Edit Message Header:__ 46|Full Path Download.:__
5|Edit Any Text Files:__ 26|Delete Any Mail....:__ 47|Delete Any File....:__
6|BBS Config Module..:__ 27|View Password Msgs.:__ 48|View Password Files:__
7|View BBS Logs......:XX 28|Attach Files to Msg:XX 49|Validate Uploads...:XX
8|Special User Log...:XX 29|View All E-Mail....:XX 50|View All File-Mail.:XX
9|View New User Apps.:XX 30|...................:XX 51|View Text by Path..:XX
10|Create Accounts....:XX 31|...................:XX 52|Local Uploading....:XX
11|...................:XX 32|...................:XX 53|...................:XX
12|...................:XX 33|...................:XX 54|...................:XX
13|...................:XX 34|...................:XX 55|...................:XX
14|...................:__ 35|...................:__ 56|...................:__
15|...................:XX 36|Bypass Kick Off....:XX 57|...................:XX
16|...................:XX 37|Bypass Abort Trans.:XX 58|...................:XX
17|...................:XX 38|Bypass User Pass...:XX 59|...................:XX
18|Internode Control..:XX 39|No Charges for DLs.:XX 60|...................:XX
19|Internode Watch....:XX 40|Bypass UL/DL Limits:XX 61|...................:XX
20|Interactive Watch..:XX 41|Bypass Msg Limits..:XX 62|...................:XX
21|Capture Users Calls:XX 42|Bypass Time Limits.:XX 63|...................:XX
[A]ll, [N]one, # to change:
9-8.1 Edit Sysop Flags
Ability to edit these sysop flags.
Very good security flag to keep co-sysops from giving/editing these flags.
9-8.2 Account Editor
Ability to edit accounts.
9-8.3 Edit Own Account
Ability to edit own account.
9-8.4 Drop To Dos
Ability to drop to dos.
9-8.5 Edit Any Text Files
Ability to edit any texts file from path.
9-8.6 BBS Config Module
Ability to call up the bbs config module though the bbs.
9-8.7 View BBS Logs
Ability to view bbs logs online.
9-8.8 Special User Log
Turn this on if you want to keep a seperate log of this user's activity.
It is basicly a clone of everything in callers log but saved in a
special log with the user's name as the extension. Use this option to
monitor users.
9-8.9 View New User Apps
This flags enables a co-sysop to view new user application answers.
9-8.10 Create Accounts
Ability to Create New Accounts with 'CA' command.
9-8.11 [ Not Used Yet ]
9-8.12 [ Not Used Yet ]
9-8.13 [ Not Used Yet ]
9-8.14 [ Not Used Yet ]
9-8.15 [ Not Used Yet ]
9-8.16 [ Not Used Yet ]
9-8.17 [ Not Used Yet ]
9-8.18 Internode Control
Ability to access internode controler module to kick users offline,
abort transfers, or change time of users on other nodes.
9-8.19 Internode Watch
[ Not implemented yet ]
9-8.20 Interactive Watch
[ Not implemented yet ]
9-8.21 Capture Users Calls
This flag will allow the sysop to capture all activities of the user when
they call the bbs. The bbs will turn the capture log on when they connect
and turn it back off when they logoff when this flag is set on.
NOTE: This flag being on will slow the bbs while the user is online.
9-8.22 Post Mass Mail
Ability to post mass mail.
9-8.23 Forward Any Mail
Ability to forward any message.
9-8.24 Edit Any Mail
Ability to edit any message.
9-8.25 Edit Message Header
Ability to edit the message headers.
9-8.26 Delete Any Mail
Ability to delete any messages.
9-8.27 View Password Msgs
Ability to view any password protected msgs without knowing the password.
9-8.28 Attach Files to Msg
[ Not implemented yet ]
9-8.29 View All E-Mail
Ability to view all private e-mail.
9-8.30 [ Not Used Yet ]
9-8.31 [ Not Used Yet ]
9-8.32 [ Not Used Yet ]
9-8.33 [ Not Used Yet ]
9-8.34 [ Not Used Yet ]
9-8.35 [ Not Used Yet ]
9-8.36 Bypass Kick Off
Ability to bypass anyone from kicking the user off from another node
with internode controller.
9-8.37 Bypass Abort Trans
Ability to bypass anyone from aborting the user's transfer from another
node with internode controller.
9-8.38 Bypass User Pass
Ability to bypass user password entry.
WARNING!!!: This flag is dangerous!, if set to yes this user does not have
to enter a password, they are just logging in with entering the handle, so
really anyone can logon as them!
This flag should always be set off under most conditions. The sysop's
account is protected against this flag!
9-8.39 No Charges for DLs
Ability to download without it counting against totals.
9-8.40 Bypass UL/DL Limits
Ability to bypass any ul/dl limits.
9-8.41 Bypass Msg Limits
Ability to bypass any msg posting limits.
9-8.42 Bypass Time Limits
Ability to bypass any time limits.
9-8.43 File Maintance
Ability to do file maintance, including editing descriptions and taking
credits away from users that upload bad files, etc.
9-8.44 DL Files Not Listed
Ability to download files not listed in file listings.
9-8.45 View/DL Sysop Files
Ability to view/download sysop files.
9-8.46 Full Path Download
Ability to download from any path.
(Sysop Download)
9-8.47 Delete Any File
Ability to delete any files.
9-8.48 View Password Files
Ability to view any password protected files without knowing password.
9-8.49 Validate Uploads
Ability to validate uploads that are not online.
9-8.50 View All File-Mail
Ability to view all file mail to & from all users.
9-8.51 View Text by Path
Ability to view text files by path.
9-8.52 Local Uploading
Ability to do local uploading or not.
9-8.53 [ Not Used Yet ]
9-8.54 [ Not Used Yet ]
9-8.55 [ Not Used Yet ]
9-8.56 [ Not Used Yet ]
9-8.57 [ Not Used Yet ]
9-8.58 [ Not Used Yet ]
9-8.59 [ Not Used Yet ]
9-8.60 [ Not Used Yet ]
9-8.61 [ Not Used Yet ]
9-8.62 [ Not Used Yet ]
9-8.63 [ Not Used Yet ]
9-9 Account Editor: Presets
16 Presets used to pre-define user's accounts.
CHAPTER V - (~) Variables & Door Codes
Special Control Codes to place in Text Files (case sensetive)
TextFiles , Arexx(tm) , Tempest Door
How to use the following commands:
1) as a '~' command in a text file. Use the letter(s) that defines
the action you wish to use. For our Example, lets say you want to
show the Users Computer Type. (just use the letters not the Number)
Your Computer is a: ~CT
2) In Arexx you would use the GetStr Code like so:
GetStr 73
transmit 'Your computer is a : ' result
3) In a Tempest Door you would use the GetStr Command like so:
char s[60];
pl("Your computer is a: ");
*** NOTE ***
If you see a '!' in the first column, that means this command can only
be used through the '~' (Text commands), and not Arexx or the Doors
The LIST TO FOLLOW is in no order except for the lenght of characters in
the command name.
(~) Text Code Description
TIMESTRING 15 Full Date & Time String
! DUMP_FILE 204 display a text file with NO tilde codes or pauses.
Works same as show_file.
! SHOW_FILE 205 display a text file ~SHOW_FILE(Text:today.txt)
SYSTEM 18 The Name of the BBS SYSTEM
RCALL 90 Reserved Callers name (ONLY When BBS reserved!)
! DELAY 207 Pauses the BBS ~DELAY(50) is a 1 secound pause
! SHELL 202 SHELL w/ no input ~SHELL(c:status)
FREE 206 how much free space for uploading?
BAUD 19 Baud Rate
BEEP 47 Send a Control-G (BEEP) over the modem
DATE 16 Print the current date
! REXX 62 Arexx Door Command ~REXX(Rexx:Tempest.rexx)
TDBT 100 Today's Total Downloaded Bytes
TDFT 98 Today's Total Downloaded Files
TIME 17 Print the current time
TNUT 102 Today's Total New Users
TUBT 97 Today's Total Uploaded Bytes
TUFT 96 Today's Total Uploaded Files
VERS 65 Display the version Number
TMG 101 Messages entered today
KEY 134 Wait for a key press
! DOS 135 Dos Call ~DOS(echo >speak: ~n is online )
CLS 110 Clear screen Returns Code to Clear screen With
TCS 95 Total Calls to System/Node
TCT 94 Today's Total Calls
TFT 103 Today's Total Feedback to Sysop
TAD 111 Today's Total Aborted Downloads
TAU 112 Today's Total Aborted Uploads
TUR 113 Today's Total Upload Resums
TDR 114 Today's Total Download Resumes
TMU 115 Total maximum users
TBY 116 System Busy today # of mins since midnight
TFS 122 Files FMAILED to sysop
SSN 125 Systems Sysop Name
ME 99 Display the authors name ;-)
! PD 61 Paragon Door Command ~PD(Doors:frogbog.par)
! TD 60 Tempest Door Command ~TD(Doors:frogbog.mod)
TO 38 Time Used THIS CALL in Minutes.
TR 39 Remaining Time avaliable today
~ 66 For printing one ~
+ 48 Toggle the (Y/n/ns) prompts
0 52 Color 0 - No ANSI (White usually)
1 53 Color 1 - WHITE for SYSOP RED for User
2 54 Color 2 - GREEN
3 55 Color 3 - YELLOW/BROWN
4 56 Color 4 - DARK BLUE
5 57 Color 5 - PURPLE
6 58 Color 6 - CYAN/LIGHT BLUE
7 59 Color 7 - RED for SYSOP WHITE for User
I 50 Italics
L 41 Name of the Last Caller
l 42 How long the Last Caller was online
Q 69 Quit ALL ~ commands
r 45 request a Press [RETURN] from the user
U 51 Underline
z 46 Toggle Control-C aborting...
^ 47 Send a Control-G (BEEP) over the modem
UMF 126 User Msg base flags
UFF 127 Users File Base Flags
UOP 128 Users option flags
FCL 131 Users First Call xx/xx/xx
LCL 132 Users Last Call xx/xx/xx
CLT 36 User's Calls Left Today
UFL 88 User's Uploadable Files Left Today
UBL 89 User's Uploadable Bytes Left Today
DFL 86 Users Downloadable Files Left Today
DBL 87 Users Downloadable Bytes Left Today
(~) Text Code Description
n 0 User's Handle
RN 2 User's Real Name
LO 4 User's Location/City
PN 8 User's Voice Phone Number
CT 13 User's Computer Type
SN 18 User's Slot Number
LEV 20 User's Security Level
UTC 25 User's Total Calls
UTM 26 User's Total Messages Posted
UF 28 User's Total Uploaded Files
UB 29 User's Total Uploaded Bytes
DF 30 User's Total Downloaded Files
DB 31 User's Total Downlaoded Bytes
FR 38 User's File Ratio
FB 39 User's Byte Ratio
UCL 41 User's Calls Limit Per Period/Day
UML 42 User's Msgs Limit Per Period/Day
LUF 43 User's Upload Files Limit Per Period/Day
LUB 44 User's Upload Bytes Limit Per Period/Day
LDF 45 User's Download Files Limit Per Period/Day
LDB 46 User's Download Bytes Limit Per Period/Day
TL 47 User's Time Limit Per Period/Day (In Minutes)
UCT 57 User's Calls Today
UMT 58 User;s Messages Posted Today
UFT 59 User's Uploaded Files Today
UBT 60 User's Uploaded Bytes Today
DBT 61 User's Downloaded Bytes Today
DFT 62 User's Downloaded Files Today
UMR 85 User's Message Base Rejoin #
UFR 86 User's File Base Rejoin #
PWF 100 User's Password Failures since last legal call
This command will allow you to call another text file within a
text file however the 'called' text file will not have ~ detection.
50 Ticks is equal to 1 Secound. To have the text file pause for 2
Secounds use ~DELAY(100);
~TD(door program) - tempest door
~PD(door program) - paragon door
~REXX(rexx file) - rexx door
~KEY - request a key Press
### SHELL INFO ###
~SHELL(c:status ^ c:list)
Opens a cli and run these commands. Use the '^' to seperate
commands. NO USER INPUT IS ALLOWED! Its just for the SHOW ME STATS
~n no justification just shows the text
~n(20) format out 20 spaces right justiy
~n(-20) format out 20 spaces left justify
examples - an example to show how to use the '~' commands.
Conference Numbers..:(0123456789012345678901234567890123456789)
MsgBase Access.....: ~UMF(-40)
FileBase Access.....: ~UFF(-40)
Caller Online.......: ~n (quick logon #:~SN)
Real Name...........: ~RN
Location............: ~LO
Phone & Computer....: ~PN & ~CT
Downloads...........: ~DF(4)/~DB(10) bytes-TOTAL ~DFT(4)/~DBT(10) bytes-TODAY
Uploads.............: ~UF(4)/~UB(10) bytes-TOTAL ~UFT(4)/~UBT(10) bytes-TODAY
Daily Allowed Dl's..: ~LDF(4)/~LDB(10) bytes-TODAY ~DFL(4)/~DBL(10) bytes-LEFT
Todays Posted Msg's.: ~UMT out of ~UML (Total Msgs by You is ~UTM)
Calls Used Today....: ~UCT out of ~UCL (you may call back ~CLT more times today)
First & Last Call...: ~FCL thru ~LCL
Password Hack Count.: ~PWF
Last Caller.........: (~l Minutes) ~L
Baud Rate...........: ~BAUD
System Calls........: ~TCT/~TCS
Upload Space........: ~FREE
~DOS(echo >speak: ~n is online) Press Any Key : ~KEY
Running Msg Scan Door : ~TD(dh1:doors/new/scan.mod)
CHAPTER XI - Door Code
11-1 Tempest Door Code
Example routines of the following commands are included in external files
along with an example door shell.
** NOTE: When coding Tempest doors the User, NodeData, SystemData, and
Today structures are passed to all doors automaticly as pointers
to the real structures in memory. This gives you direct access
to the user online and other structures
This routine is to be your very first call in the door program. It is
mandatory or the bbs will lock up! This routine makes sure the BBS was
run from Tempest and not the cli. The Node Number is passed by the bbs
so we know what port to open up.
if x equal to 0, then door was run from cli and will exit.
int DoorStart(TEXT *node)
struct MsgPort *HisPort;
HisPort = FindPort(st);
if(HisPort==NULL) return (FALSE);
MyPort = CreatePort(MyName,0L);
PutStr("Cant open port");
return (int)TRUE;
This command will pass data to and from the door and BBS.
Every door is required to use this routine.
int DOORIO(void)
struct MsgPort *HisPort;
if(send.carrier) return(0);
HisPort = FindPort(st);
send.Msg.mn_Node.ln_Type = NT_MESSAGE;
send.Msg.mn_Length = sizeof(send);
send.Msg.mn_ReplyPort = MyPort;
PutMsg((struct MsgPort *)HisPort,(struct Message *)&send);
Wait(1 << MyPort->mp_SigBit);
if(send.carrier) CloseStuff();
DOOR COMMAND 999: Close Door
This command will close/shut down the door and return to the BBS.
Every door is required to use this command.
send.Command = 999
void CloseStuff(void)
while(msg=(struct MyMessage *)GetMsg(MyPort))
ReplyMsg((struct Message *)msg);
if(MyPort) DeletePort(MyPort);
DOOR COMMAND 1: pl (Print Line)
This command sends a string to both the console and the serial output.
send.Command= 1
send.text1 = Pointer to the passed string
VOID pl(TEXT *string)
This command sends a string to the console output.
send.Command= 2
send.text1 = Pointer to the passed string
VOID ConPutStr(TEXT *string)
This command sends a string to the serial output.
send.Command= 3
send.text1 = Pointer to the passed string
VOID SerPutStr(TEXT *string)
This command sends a single character to both the console and the serial
send.Command= 4
send.text1 = Pointer to the passed string
VOID SendChar(TEXT *string)
This command sends a single character to the console output.
send.Command= 5
send.text1 = Pointer to the passed string
VOID ConPutChar(TEXT *string)
This command sends a single character to the serial output.
send.Command= 6
send.text1 = Pointer to the passed string
VOID SerPutChar(TEXT *string)
This command checks to see if a CTRL-C Abort key was pressed.
send.Command= 10
returns value to send.Value1 (0=No abort key detected, 1= Yes)
This command checks to see if a key has been pressed, and if so returns
the key that was pressed, if no key was detected, it continues on
without waiting.
send.Command= 15
send.Value2 = set to zero to initalize it.
returns to send.Value2 the value of the key pressed.
int CheckKey(VOID)
This command waits for a key to be pressed and is a hotkey, does not
wait for the user to hit return.
send.Command= 6
send.text1 = Pointer to the passed string
returns the character that was entered to the first position of the
passed string.
int hotkey(TEXT *character)
DOOR COMMAND 17: Cursor Detect Hotkey
This command is the same as the hotkey routine, except that it allows
you to detect the cursor keys as input.
send.Command= 17
returns an int value, which is the number value of the character entered
as send.Value1.
If the user entered a cursor key, then the returning value will be as
follows for cursor keys:
UP ARROW = 300
Use those 8 values to detect cursor keys. If they enter any other key
then it will be the normal 0-255 value of all ascii characters.
int CursorHotKey(VOID)
int cursor
char string[50];
case 300: // UP ARROW
case 301: // SHIFT UP ARROW
case 400: // DOWN ARROW
case 401: // SHIFT DOWN ARROW
case 500: // LEFT ARROW
case 501: // SHIFT LEFT ARROW
case 600: // RIGHT ARROW
case 601: // SHIFT RIGHT ARROW
if(cursor<256) string[0]=(char)cursor; // Normal character entered!
DOOR COMMAND 20: Input String
This command will allow you to enter a string of input.
send.Command= 20
send.Value1 = Length Limit of input
send.text1 = pointer to the passed string.
returns string input to send.text1
VOID input(TEXT *mstring,in
send.text1 =mstring;
DOOR COMMAND 21: Input String (Ansi Bar Background)
This command is the same as the input routine except that there is an
ansi background showing the full limit of the string input.
send.Command= 21
send.Value1 = Length Limit of input
send.text1 = Pointer to the passed string
VOID inputAB(TEXT *mstring,int len)
send.text1 =mstring;
DOOR COMMAND 22: Line Input String
This command will allow you to enter a string of input and start with a
beginning string for editing.
send.Command= 22
send.Value1 = Length Limit of input
send.text1 = pointer to New String passed, where the new input will end
send.text2 = pointer to Old String passed, this string will be displayed
has starting input.
returns string input to send.text1
VOID LineInput(TEXT *oldstring,TEXT *newstring,int len)
DOOR COMMAND 23: Lint Input String (Ansi Bar Background)
This command is the same as the line input routine except that there is
an ansi background showing the full limit of the string input.
send.Command= 23
send.Value1 = Length Limit of input
send.text1 = pointer to New String passed, where the new input will end
send.text2 = pointer to Old String passed, this string will be displayed
has starting input.
returns string input to send.text1
VOID LineInputAB(TEXT *oldstring,TEXT *newstring,int len)
DOOR COMMAND 24: Line Input String (Hidden)
This command will allow you to enter a string of input and start with a
beginning string for editing but all text will be echoed to the screen
as just periods, hiding what is really being entered.
send.Command= 24
send.Value1 = Length Limit of input
send.text1 = pointer to New String passed, where the new input will end
send.text2 = pointer to Old String passed, this string will be displayed
has starting input.
returns string input to send.text1
VOID LineInputHide(TEXT *oldstring,TEXT *newstring,int len)
DOOR COMMAND 25: Lint Input String (Hidden) (Ansi Bar Background)
This command is the same as the line input hidden routine except that
there is an ansi background showing the full limit of the string input.
send.Command= 25
send.Value1 = Length Limit of input
send.text1 = pointer to New String passed, where the new input will end
send.text2 = pointer to Old String passed, this string will be displayed
has starting input.
returns string input to send.text1
VOID LineInputHideAB(TEXT *oldstring,TEXT *newstring,int len)
This command will return the one of the bbs paths.
send.Command= 30
send.Value1 = Which path to return.
send.text1 = pointer to the string passed that will store the path.
[Value] : [Path Returned]
0 : Main BBS Path.
1 : Path of Accounts.Data file.
2 : Path of Account Info directory where Applications &
FlaggedFiles directories are stored.
3 : Path where Bad Archives uploaded are stored.
4 : Path where Catalog files (File Listings) are stored.
5 : Path of Describe directory.
6 : Path where doors are stored.
7 : Path where Extended Description files are stored.
8 : Path where all bbs logs are stored.
9 : Path where modules are stored.
10 : Path where resumealbe files are stored.
11 : Path of Optional Directory.
12 : Path of Scripts Directory.
13 : Path of Setup Directory.
14 : Path of sysop hold directory.
15 : Path of Text file direcotry.
16 : Path of Voting Booth files.
17 : Path of current node's upload work directory.
returns the desired bbs path to send.text1
VOID GetPaths(TEXT *s,int opt)
DOOR COMMAND 31: Get User Time
This command will return the current online user's time remaining.
send.Command= 31
send.text1 = pointer to the string passed that will store the time.
returns time remaining of user online into send.text1.
VOID GetUserTime(TEXT *s)
DOOR COMMAND 33: Get String
This command will return a string from the ~ Tilde list.
send.Command= 33
send.Value1 = which string to return.
send.text1 = pointer to the string passed that will store the desired
returns desired string into send.text1.
VOID GetStr(TEXT *s,int opt)
DOOR COMMAND 34: Get Value
This command will get a value of the option number you pass it.
send.Command= 34
send.Value1 = which value to return.
returns value desired to send.Value2.
int GetValue(int opt)
DOOR COMMAND 41: Alter Time
This command allows you to edit the user's time remaining.
send.Command= 41
send.Value1 = actual number to offset the current time.
Examples Values: -10, 10, 5, -1, -5, etc.
VOID AlterTime(int opt)
DOOR COMMAND 43: Set Value
This command allows you to set certain values in the bbs.
send.Command= 43
send.Value1 = Which Option to Change.
send.Value2 = What to change it to.
EXAMPLE: SetValue(1,0) This would make the BBS have a priority of 1
Available Options: 0 - BBS Priority
1 - Ansi ON
2 - Ansi OFF
3 - Force Ansi = (1=On) (0=Off)
VOID SetValue(int opt1,int opt)
DOOR COMMAND 44: Activity
This command will allow you to change the user's activity field.
send.Command= 44
send.Value1 = which preset activity to set it to, or 99 to make your own,
send.text1 = pointer to passed string, only used if you select 99 to
create your own activity text.
Current List of Preset Activity Numbers:
2: About to Download
4: About to Upload
6: Account Editing
7: Archiving Catalogs
8: Doors Area
9: Archiving Messages
12: Chatting Sysop
14: Comment to Sysop
16: Connecting
18: Downloading
20: E-Mail Area
22: File Listings
24: File Mail
26: File Maintenance
28: Flagging Files
30: Idle
31: Internode Msg Send
32: Internode Live Chat
33: Internode Line Chat
34: Joining Area
36: Logging Off
38: Logging On
40: New User
42: Paging Sysop
44: Reading Bulletins
46: Reading Messages
48: Viewing Text File
50: Remote Shell
52: Scanning Mail
54: Sysop DL
56: File Descriptions
58: Uploading
60: Viewing Archive
62: Waiting for Call
64: Posting a Message
66: Zippy Searching
99: Generic Text, You send your own text you want displayed.
(Option 99 Works in Tempest DOOR COMMANDonly, NOT in AREXX)
VOID Activity(BYTE act,TEXT *s)
DOOR COMMAND 51: Mark/Flag file for download
This command allows you to flag/mark a file for download.
You can pass it a number as a string or just a filename as a string.
This command will check the current area the user is joined to.
send.Command= 51
send.text1 = pointer to passed string that contains the filename or
number to be flagged.
VOID MarkFile(TEXT *flagfile)
DOOR COMMAND 52: Zmodem Download
This command will send the user a file with Zmodem protocol.
send.Command= 52
send.text1 = pointer to passed string that contains the file to be
VOID ZmodemDownload(TEXT *mstring)
DOOR COMMAND 53: Zmodem Upload
This command will allow users to upload files to the bbs through a
door using the internal zmodem protocol. You must handle the files
yourself, they will be located in the work dir (Incomplete files) and
work/done dir (Complete files). This has just been added to give the
advanced programmers the option in their programs.
send.Command= 53
DOOR COMMAND 60: Callers Log Entry
This command will output the passed text to the callers log.
send.Command= 60
send.text1 = pointer to passed string to be wrote to log.
VOID CLOG(TEXT *outstring)
DOOR COMMAND 61: Sysop Activity Log Entry
This command will output the passed text to the Sysop Activity log.
send.Command= 61
send.text1 = pointer to passed string to be wrote to log.
VOID CLOG(TEXT *outstring)
DOOR COMMAND 62: DeBug Log Entry
This command will output the passed text to the DeBug log.
send.Command= 62
send.text1 = pointer to passed string to be wrote to log.
VOID CLOG(TEXT *outstring)
DOOR COMMAND 63: User Log Entry
This command will output the passed text to a user's special user log.
send.Command= 63
send.text1 = pointer to passed string to be wrote to log.
DOOR COMMAND 69: Write File
This command will writes out text to a text file.
send.Command= 69
send.text1 = pointer to passed string that gives the path+filename of
text file to be wrote to.
send.text2 = pointer to passed string that has the text to be wrote to
this file.
VOID WriteFile(TEXT *ostring,TEXT *mstring)
DOOR COMMAND 70: Show File
This command will show/display a given text file.
send.Command= 70
send.text1 = pointer to string passed that has path+filename of file
to be displayed.
VOID showfile(TEXT *mstring)
This command will display a Pause...(Hit A Key) type prompt that will
wait for the user to hit a key before continuing.
send.Command= 71
int Pause(VOID)
DOOR COMMAND 72: More (Y/N/NS) Prompt
This command will pause and ask if the user wants to continue listing,
stop listing, or continue with non-stop display.
send.Command= 72
Return Values: 0 = Continue Listing
1 = Stop Listing
2 = Non Stop
Return value is stored in send.Value1.
This command will call up the internal message editor and allow you to
write out a text file with it.
send.Command= 73
send.Value1 = Max Number of lines allowed (100 MAX MAX)
send.text1 = pointer to Path+FileName of file to be saved.
VOID MsgEditor(TEXT *Filename,int maxlength)
DOOR COMMAND 74: Re-Load Data Files to Memory
Re-Loads all the bbs data files into memory, to update any that have
been changed.
send.Command= 74
VOID LoadSystemData(VOID)
DOOR COMMAND 75: Get a Random Number
Get a random number between 0 and number passed to routine.
send.Command= 75
send.Value1 = set to passed number to set high number in range.
returns generated random number into send.Value1
int Random(int x)
DOOR COMMAND 76: Copy a File
Move a file from source to destination.
send.Command= 76
send.text1 = Pointer to Source Path+Filename.
send.text2 = Pointer to Destination Path+Filename.
VOID CopyFile(TEXT *Source,TEXT *Destination)
DOOR COMMAND 77: Move a File
Move a file from source to destination.
send.Command= 77
send.text1 = Pointer to Source Path+Filename.
send.text2 = Pointer to Destination Path+Filename.
VOID MoveFile(TEXT *Source,TEXT *Destination)
DOOR COMMAND 78: Get File Size
Get file size of a file.
send.Command= 78
send.text1 = Pointer to Path+Filename.
Returns file size of the file into send->LongValue.
ULONG FileSize(TEXT *Source)
11-3 Arexx Door Interface
The "Official" AREXX Documentation for Tempest BBS v3.xx
As of 2-16-92, there are 204 commands !!! (+/- 10 : They've
changed as I wrote these docs...)
** CHAPTER I - BBS Emualtion
- Ami-Express BBS Emulation:
They didn't have much and all their commands are supported that I know
- BBS-PC BBS Emulation:
To my knowledge, it doesn't support AREXX, so no emulation has been
- C-Net BBS Emulation:
Only the original ones Tim had in are avaliable for Emulation. If you
have a list of commands (NOT an actual AREXX script) that can be added
in, please send it to me and I'll do my best to get it all in there...
- Dialog BBS Emulation:
TBA - A list is on it's way....
- Excelsior BBS Emulation:
Already have started emulating it, should be complete soon.
- Paragon BBS Emulation:
Only the original ones Tim had in are avaliable for Emulation. If you
have a list of commands (NOT an actual AREXX script) that can be added
in, please send it to me and I'll do my best to get it all in there.
- XenoLink BBS Emulation:
Since I happened to have this text file, this was largeley the basis for
the new commands. Generally, they are all in here, with several
differences which will be mentioned in the actual command parameter
section. The GETVAR # & SETVAR # routines do NOT MATCH the current ones
I've used, so you will have to edit XenoLink scripts manually to reflect
the appropriate command #.
** CHAPTER II - Using AREXX with Tempest
OK, if you've written in AREXX before, AND know how to use it for
Tempest v3.15 and newer, you can skip this section. Otherwise, you
may want to examine this section, even if it's only for review
This header will begin ALL AREXX programs you write for Tempest,
and will probably need to be changed if you're converting a program
from another BBS system.
------- cut here --------- cut here --------- cut here --------- cut here
options results
Address value 'TempRexx-'BBS_NODE
------- cut here --------- cut here --------- cut here --------- cut here
Here is a line-by-line explanation of this code segment.
This automatically picks up the NODE number that the user is on,
and stores it into the variable BBS_NODE. This is REQUIRED, or else
if two users (or the SYSOP and a user) use the program at the same
time, they will collide, crashing one or both nodes, and of course,
possibly GURUing!
"options results"
This tells the AREXX program that the BBS will be sending us data,
and that our received data should be avaliable in the FIXED variable
"result". (Note, that is NOT a typo! results in the options line IS
plural, but the variable we get our answer in is NOT!). By a FIXED
variable, I mean that you cannot change it. The BBS will put the
answer into RESULT no matter what (If there IS an answer/reply). You
can, of course, COPY the contents of result to another variable. for
example: UserName = result
"Address value 'TempRexx-'BBS_NODE"
This line needs to be broken down to be best understood. the word
"Address" let's AREXX know that we are going to have a fixed program
(Tempest) to do our commuication with. "Value" indicates that it will
be a text address, rather than a numerical one (The standard).
'TempRexx-' is PART of the actual address that your program will use.
by adding the BBS_NODE after it (NO SPACES!), you turn that address
into 'TempRexx-1' (for node 1) etc etc.. This allows us to have ONE
program that can be used on multi-node boards, without having to have
more than one copy of the program. Needless to say, if this line is
omitted, the AREXX program won't know where to send/receive data, nor
will the BBS, so both will be locked until either they both crash, or
you reboot. Whichever one comes first!
After you have the header as listed above, you are ready to continue
on into the wonderful world of AREXX. The code varies so much beyond
theses lines, that I won't even touch on the subject. To even attempt
it would push this document well over the intended file size.... So,
with this much under our belt, and a good attitude, we procede on to
the Command Set.
** Chapter III - The Command Set
- Command parameters
Please note that YES, some commands are duplicated, and there are
different formats with the same results. This is due to the
imitation/emulation of the various BBS programs avaliable, and also
makes it possible to use most avaliable script even in an unaltered
state. As I get more lists of commands, there may be even more added,
depending on the Tempest Owner's demand for it.
IMPORTANT NOTE: Even though you see all these commands listed as
uppercase letters, you are NOT required to do that. It makes it easier
to read, but that's it. The can be all lowercase, or any mixture.
When the BBS receives the code, it's done in a non-case-sensitive
compare, so however you wanna do it is fine. It MUST be spelled
correctly though! I can't compensate for that!
There are three basic command types supported:
The command type (option one) is a general command, that usually
won't have a result returned. For example: EXIT, BufferFlush
The command & function is the one that will probably be the most
commonly used. It involves the command, and a function to be performed
on it. An example would be: 'GetVar' '1'
The command, function, and parameter will be mostly used for
intercommunication with the BBS itself. An example would be:
PUTVAR1 'This is User's Name'
Ok, after understanding that, I'll now attempt to explain each
command, it's function, and any parameters that might be required.
** Command List - Alphabetical
Currently not defined, and is ignored. No result returned.
Added for compatibility.
Adds minutes to a users time online. Pass it the number of
minutes to add.
For opposite see 'REMOVETIME'.
Returns the baud rate of the current user online.
This command takes one of five possible functions. The result
returned will be determined as follows:
- BBSIDENTIFY ANSI = Returns an Integer value of 0 or 1,
which indicates if they have ANSI on or
- BBSIDENTIFY ABBEREXX = returns the version of the BBS
- BBSIDENTIFY BBS = returns the Tempest BBS (c) 1994 message
- BBSIDENTIFY NAME = returns the name of the BBS.
- BBSIDENTIFY SYSOP = returns the name of the system operator.
- BBSIDENTIFY TERM = Returns Baud rate they are currently at,
and a simple 8N1 Full-Duplex string.
- BBSIDENTIFY USER = returns User's Name, Location, and
security level, all seperated by a space,
and each item enclosed in quotes.
Flushes any characters, commands, or garbage (line noise) from the
buffer, so that the AREXX program can start clean. This ensures
that accidental commands won't be entered accidentally. I recommend
EVERY program uses this command as their first program instruction
(After setting up the address value statement, of course!). This
command does not use any parameters, and any given will be ignored.
It also does not return anything to the program in Result.
See 'GetCarrier'; Included for compatibility.
Checks to see if CTRL-C has been entered, returns '1' if it has and
returns '0' if not.
Checks to see if there is any inputed characters to be read, if there
is it returns "TRUE" and if there is not returns "FALSE".
This command stands for CLear Screen. It merely clears the screen
(User's and SYSOP's) and places the cursor in the upper left corner
of the screen, usually called "HOME".
Prints the Message 'Pause...[Hit Return]:' prompt.
See 'SENDFILE'; Included for compatibility.
DOWNLOAD [string]
This command will let you download a file. You must send it the
complete Path+filename in the given string.
See 'KICKOFF'; Included for compatibility.
Tell the BBS that the arexx port does not need to be open any
longer. The user will be returned to the BBS at this point. The
arexx program CAN still run and do various cleanup utilities, but
may NOT call on any more information from the BBS.
This command is used by Xenolink BBS, and Tempest support is only
partial at this time. Under Xenolink, this command returns control
to the BBS, but the arexx script is still active, so when the arexx
script executes another BBS command, the user is yanked back into
the Arexx script again. In the Tempest emulation of this, it merely
exits back to the BBS, leaving the arexx script still running. The
arexx program CANNOT get BACK to the BBS however, nor can it call
anymore BBS functions, since the connection has been broken at that
point. This may change in the future. Currently, 'EXIT' is the
command that should be used in place of this one.
This command checks to verify that the user has not hungup on the
BBS. If this test returns "TRUE", then the connection is ok. if it
returns "FALSE" you will need to exit your program as quickly as
possible, so that the BBS may reset for the next caller. results
returned are "TRUE" for carrier present, and "FALSE" for no carrier.
GETCHAR [string]
This command does not require a parameter, but can accept one.
This was to maintain compatibility with Xenolink BBS. If a paramter
is present, it will be sent to the output. The routine then waits for
the user to press one key, and the key pressed will be contained in
Result. (This is also known as a HOTKEY function.) If the parameter
is NOT present, no change will be made to the output.
This routine accepts input of up to 80 characters. The options that
affect the procedure on this are listed below.
- GETLINE NORMAL = Prints the [string] to the output, both SYSOP
and user, and inputs a normal answer, which is
returned in the variable result.
- GETLINE HIDE = This lets the user input like normal except for
what the user types is hidden from display,
the bbs will echo periods instead of what was
actually typed.
- GETLINE YESNO = This prints the string, and accepts a HOTKEY
answer of Y or N, defualting to Y if N was not
selected. Returns the key that was pressed in
- GETLINE NOYES = This prints the string, and accepts a HOTKEY
answer of Y or N, defualting to N if Y was not
selected. Returns the key that was pressed in
GETVAR [Number between 1 and xxx inclusive|KEYWORD]
These three commands ALL do the same thing, but are cloned for the
convenience of emulating the various BBS programs. Since this
command accepts two types of parameters, let me attempt to explain.
To succesfully emulate Xenolink, I had to accept words, as well as
numbers. This means that BOTH do the same thing, but since
Xenolink's vocabulary is somewhat limited, the numbers offer more
functions. The word equivelents can be used, but for Tempest
programming, I recommend the numbers. The opposites of this command
commands are READ-ONLY, which means you can read them, but no
function is avaliable to write it back out. This has been done for
safety's sake. For example, you can read the name of the BBS, and
the SYSOP's name, but it cannot be changed in the BBS.
(The AREXX program can alter it in itself all it wants, it just
won't be saved to the BBS....)
- The Numerical Commands: Sequential Order
Please note that GETUSER, GETUSERVAR, and GETVAR can be used
interchangedly, but since GETVAR is faster to type, I'll be using
it for my examples.
These commands are the same! as the Putvar commands
0 : Alias
1 : Password
2 : Real Name
3 : Street Address
4 : City
5 : State
6 : PostalCode
7 : Country
8 : Voice Phone Number
9 : Data Phone Number
10 : BirthDate (MM-DD-YY) (GetUser Only)
11 : Age (GetUser Only)
12 : Sex (M or F)
13 : Computer Model
14 : Sysop Comments
15 : First Time On System
16 : Last Time On System
17 : Logon Time/Date
18 : User Slot Number
19 : *****[NOT USED, LATER USE] - userserialnumber
20 : Security Level
21 : *****[NOT USED, LATER USE] - securitytitle
22 : *****[NOT USED, LATER USE] \
23 : *****[NOT USED, LATER USE] > Net Addresses
24 : *****[NOT USED, LATER USE] /
25 : Total Calls
26 : Total Posts
27 : *****[NOT USED, LATER USE]
28 : Total Uploaded Files
29 : Total Uploaded Bytes
30 : Total Downloaded Files
31 : Total Downloaded Bytes
32 : Total Time Bank Mins Stored Up
33 : *****[NOT USED, LATER USE]
34 : *****[NOT USED, LATER USE]
35 : *****[NOT USED, LATER USE]
36 : *****[NOT USED, LATER USE]
37 : *****[NOT USED, LATER USE]
38 : File Ratio
39 : Byte Ratio
40 : *****[NOT USED, LATER USE]
41 : Period Limit for Calls
42 : Period Limit for Posts
43 : Period Limit for Uploaded Files
44 : Period Limit for Uploaded Bytes
45 : Period Limit for Downloaded Files
46 : Period Limit for Downloaded Bytes
47 : Period Limit for Time
48 : Period Limit for Time Bank
49 : Period Limit for Chat Time
50 : *****[NOT USED, LATER USE]
51 : *****[NOT USED, LATER USE]
52 : *****[NOT USED, LATER USE]
53 : *****[NOT USED, LATER USE]
54 : *****[NOT USED, LATER USE]
55 : *****[NOT USED, LATER USE] Period Type
56 : *****[NOT USED, LATER USE] Period Length
57 : Period Calls
58 : Period Posts
59 : Period Uploaded Files
60 : Period Uploaded Bytes
61 : Period Downloaded Files
62 : Period Downloaded Bytes
63 : *****[NOT USED, LATER USE] Period Time
64 : *****[NOT USED, LATER USE] Period Time Bank
65 : Period Chat Time
66 : *****[NOT USED, LATER USE]
67 : *****[NOT USED, LATER USE]
68 : *****[NOT USED, LATER USE]
69 : *****[NOT USED, LATER USE]
70 : *****[NOT USED, LATER USE]
71 : Time Left
72 : Chat Time Left
73 : File Downloads Left
74 : Byte Downloads Left
75 : *****[NOT USED, LATER USE]
76 : *****[NOT USED, LATER USE]
77 : *****[NOT USED, LATER USE]
78 : *****[NOT USED, LATER USE]
79 : *****[NOT USED, LATER USE]
80 : Day Credits
81 : File Credits
82 : Byte Credits
83 : *****[NOT USED, LATER USE]
84 : Personal Bytes
85 : Msg Base Rejoined
86 : File Base Rejoined
87 : Screen Length
88 : Screen Width
89 : Ansi Type
90 : Upload Protocol Selected
91 : Download Protocol Selected
92 : Selected Language
93 : Selected Traslation
94 : Time Zone Offset
95 : Who Preference
96 : File Listing View Mode
97 : Weed Days
98 : Reduce Days
99 : Reduce Access
100 : User's Password Failures
GETSTR [which]
With this command you can get a string from the (~) Variables List
from Chapter V. Just use the Arexx Code to get the string you
INPUT [characters<80]
Accepts an input string from the user, with a maximum of 80
characters. The user will not be allowed to type past 80
characters, so the routine has some built in error checking. No
string will be printed, even if passed to the routine.
See also: PROMPT
Currently not defined, and is ignored. No result returned.
Force a user's premature logoff. Sends the BBS the same code as
the sysop hitting "F9", for Force Logoff. Accepts no parameters.
returns nothing.
LOGENTRY [string]
This will write the string [string] to the SYSOP's callerslog file.
the function returns nothing.
Checks for input and if there is no input it continues immediately.
Just like a hotkey except it don't wait around for someone to input
a key, it only checks if something was entered and if so returns the
key that was entered.
MARKFILE [string]
This command will allow you to flag/mark a file for download.
You must pass it the file number or the file name, NO PATH!
It will only allow you to flag files from the user's current
file area joined.
Currently not defined, and is ignored. No result returned.
MESSAGE [string]
Print a line of formatted or unformatted text, and places a carriage
return at the end of the string. Nothing is returned.
This command is the same as Excelsior BBS. It basicly displays the
More(Y/n/ns)? prompt. It will return one of the following values:
0 = (Yes) Continue
1 = (No) Stop Listing
2 = (NS) Non Stop Listing
Anything less than 0 is dropped carrier.
MSG [string]
This function performs the same as 'MESSAGE', but does NOT append a
carriage return on the end. the cursor remains at the last
character. This function returns nothing.
MSGEDITOR [string]
This command will call up the Tempest Msg Editor.
You must pass it the Path+Filename of the file to be created when
the text is saved and the max number of lines for the editor.
[string] field contains both the Path+filename and max number of
for the editor.
Example string: 'RAM:Message.txt 50'
Notice that the path+filename is first then a space then the max
number of lines for the message editor.
This command ONLY prints a carriage return AND a linefeed. NO
parameters are accepted, and returns nothing.
OUTTEXT [string]
See 'MSG'; Included for compatibility.
PATH [Value]
Returns the desired path to a certain bbs directory.
[Value] : [Path Returned]
0 : Main BBS Path.
1 : Path of Accounts.Data file.
2 : Path of Account Info directory where Applications &
FlaggedFiles directories are stored.
3 : Path where Bad Archives uploaded are stored.
4 : Path where Catalog files (File Listings) are stored.
5 : Path of Describe directory.
6 : Path where doors are stored.
7 : Path where Extended Description files are stored.
8 : Path where all bbs logs are stored.
9 : Path where modules are stored.
10 : Path where resumealbe files are stored.
11 : Path of Optional Directory.
12 : Path of Scripts Directory.
13 : Path of Setup Directory.
14 : Path of sysop hold directory.
15 : Path of Text file direcotry.
16 : Path of Voting Booth files.
17 : Path of current node's upload work directory.
PRINT [string]
See 'MESSAGE'; Included for compatibility.
PROMPT [string]
This performs much as the INPUT command, but also prints a string
to the output first. Example:
PROMPT "Do you want me to delete your Hard Drive? [YES/NO] "
It will then wait until the user enters a response (up to 80
characters) and then return the answer in result. Obviously this is
a bad example, but you get the idea.
SETUSERVAR [Number between 1 and 62 inclusive|KEYWORD] [VALUE]
These three commands ALL do the same thing, but are cloned for the
convenience of emulating the various BBS programs. Since this
command accepts two types of parameters, let me attempt to explain.
To succesfully emulate Xenolink, I had to accept words, as well as
numbers. This means that BOTH do the same thing, but since
Xenolink's vocabulary is somewhat limited, the numbers offer more
functions. The word equivelents can be used, but for Tempest
programming, I recommend the numbers. The opposites of this command
commands are READ-ONLY, which means you can read them, but no
function is avaliable to write it back out. This has been done for
safety's sake. For example, you can read the name of the BBS, and
the SYSOP's name, but it cannot be changed in the BBS.
(The AREXX program can alter it in itself all it wants, it just
won't be saved to the BBS....)
PLEASE NOTE: ALL of these commands return a value to result. The
command returned will be noted after the description of the command.
Please be patient here, as there are approximately 80 variations
of this command!
- The Numerical commands: Sequential Order
Please note that PUTUSER, SETUSERVAR, and PUTVAR can be used
interchangedly, but since PUTVAR is faster to type, I'll be using it
for my examples. OK? If not, type it yerself.
QUERY [string]
See 'INPUT'; Included for compatibility.
Subtracts minutes from a users time online. Pass it the number of
minutes to subtract.
For opposite see 'ADDTIME'.
SCREENOUT [string]
Outputs text to the screen only, does not send to the serial.
SENDFILE [path:Filename]
Print a file from disk to the screen. Great for viewing ANSI files
on the BBS, since it ignores what Tempest's "R"ead command considers
"binary" code. Also useful for showing scripts, startup-sequences,
etc to other sysops, or perhaps even program code.
Prints the formatted or unformatted [string]. NO carriage return
OR linefeed is added. Useful for data positioning. Same as MSG
Currently not defined, and is ignored. No result returned.
SETUSERVAR [parameter to alter] [altering value]
This is a clone of PUTUSER and PUTVAR. See those for function and
paramter settings.
Does nothing, added for compatibility.
See 'LOGENTRY'; Included for compatibility.
See 'TIMEREMAINING'; Included for compatibility.
Returns the time left online in minutes the user has left.
See 'MESSAGE'; Included for compatibility.
This command will let a user upload with internal zmodem. You must
handle the files yourself, they will be located in the
work dir (Incomplete files) and work/done dir (Complete files).
This has just been added to give the advanced programmers the
option in their programs.
Returns the version and date release of the BBS Software; Included
for compatibility routines.
APPENDIX A - Error Return Codes & Explanations
If the BBS gives you an error return code, then this is the look up table
for finding the explanation of the problem.
Code Explanations
~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
5 Error, could not create message port.
10 Error, could not allocate enough memory.
20 Error, could not load data files from setup directory.
30 Error, could not open the Intuition.library, perhaps you are not
running at least OS 2.04(v37) or greater.
40 Error, could not open the graphics.library, perhaps you are not
running at least OS 2.04(v37) or greater.
45 Error, could not open the dos.library, perhaps you are not running
at least OS 2.04(v37) or greater.
50 Error, could not open serial.device.
60 Error, could not open console.device.
70 Error, could not initalize the console.device.
80 Error, could not initalize the serial.device.
90 Error, could not open iconify window.
100 Error, could not open defined font.
APPENDIX B - Troubleshooting
- PROBLEM: Users are entering descriptions for files that were uploaded
by another user on another node and at the same time.
ANSWER: You must have a different work directory for every single
node you have online, including your local node. You must
also have a done directory inside of every work directory.
- PROBLEM: The bbs is allowing anyone logon without asking for any
ANSWER: You are not registered or you don't have your register.data in
the setup directory. Another possiblity is that the user who
didn't have to enter a password had the optional flag disabling
password entry to Yes, Set it to NO!
- PROBLEM: The bbs open's the iconify window on the screen then it
closes and disappears.
ANSWER: 1) That node's Node Number is the same as another.
2) Your definition of the serial device name in the
BBSConfig(setupbbs) is different than the actual serial
device on disk. (THEY ARE CASE SENSITIVE!!!!!!).
3) Invalid serial device number.
4) Can't open screen size or font specified.
- PROBLEM: The user's activity is getting cut off on the iconify window.
ANSWER: This must be taken care of by increasing the size(length) the
window opens up as. It is definable in the BBSConfig program
under the major paths page.
- PROBLEM: Your BBS seems to be running slower when a low baud rate user
is online.
ANSWER: You need to turn your DTE Rate to FIXED, instead of VARIABLE.
Modem Settings in BBSConfig util.
- PROBLEM: Your modem is not reseting properly or is reseting over and
ANSWER: Check your Modem RESET STRING in the BBSConfig.
- PROBLEM: You can not un-iconify Tempest.
ANSWER: You probably don't have enough chip memory to open the screens.
APPENDIX C - Console Editing & Ansi Codes
C-1 Console Editing:
These commands are available through Tempest BBS on most input prompts.
- Also avaiable on EAE (External Account Editor).
CURSOR UP..........Scroll up through the command history.
CURSOR RIGHT.......Scroll down through the command history.
CURSOR LEFT........Moves cursor key to the left through the current
input line.
CURSOR RIGHT.......Moves cursor key to the right through the current
input line.
SHIFT CURSOR LEFT..Moves cursor to the beginning of the line.
SHIFT CURSOR RIGHT.Moves cursor to the end of the line.
[DEL KEY]..........Deletes current position of cursor.
[BACKSPACE]........Deletes the character to the left of the cursor.
CTRL-A.............Moves cursor to the beginning of the line.
CTRL-G.............Send Bell (Flash screen on local console).
CTRL-H ............Deletes the last character (same as Backspace).
CTRL-I.............Tab over 5 characters.
CTRL-K.............Deletes everything from the cursor forward to the end
of the line.
CTRL-M.............Same as [Return Key]
CTRL-X.............Clears/Deletes current line.
CTRL-U.............Deletes everything from the cursor backward to the
start of the line.
Remaining text is moved over to column one.
CTRL-V.............Validate the line, the current line will be
CTRL-Z.............Moves cursor to the end of the line.
C-2 Amiga ANSI Codes:
This is a complete list of ANSI codes that you can use in text files
through out Tempest.
Color Change Codes:
ESC [30m - Black (foreground)
ESC [31m - Red (foreground)
ESC [32m - Green (foreground)
ESC [33m - Yellow (foreground)
ESC [34m - Blue (foreground)
ESC [35m - Purple (foreground)
ESC [36m - Cyan (foreground)
ESC [37m - White (foreground)
ESC [40m - Black (background)
ESC [41m - Red (background)
ESC [42m - Green (background)
ESC [43m - Yellow (background)
ESC [44m - Blue (background)
ESC [45m - Purple (background)
ESC [46m - Cyan (background)
ESC [47m - White (background)
Style Controls:
ESC [0m - Reset ANSI codes
ESC [1m - Boldface on (*)
ESC [3m - Italics on
ESC [4m - Underline on
ESC [7m - Inverse on
(*) In 16 colour ANSI, boldface text is rendered as a slightly brighter
color, thus giving you access to the 8 additional colors in the
Cursor Controls:
ESC [A - Cursor up
ESC [B - Cursor down
ESC [C - Cursor right
ESC [D - Cursor left
ESC [#A - Cursor up # lines
ESC [#B - Cursor down # lines
ESC [#C - Cursor right # spaces
ESC [#D - Cursor left # spaces
ESC [H - Cursor home
ESC [#H - Cursor to line #
ESC [#;#H - Cursor to a specific row and column
ESC [s - Save the current cursor position
ESC [u - Restore cursor to the last saved position
Miscellaneous Commands:
ESC [@ - Insert a space
ESC [#@ - Insert # spaces
ESC [L - Insert line
ESC [#L - Insert # lines
ESC [M - Delete line
ESC [#M - Delete # lines
ESC [P - Delete character
ESC [#P - Delete # characters
ESC [K - Delete to end of line
ESC [1K - Delete to start of line
ESC [2K - Delete entire line
ESC [J - Clear to end of screen
ESC [1J - Clear to top of screen
ESC [2J - Clear entire screen
NOTE: some ANSI commands can be stacked using the semi-colon
(;), eg:
ESC [1;43;34m - Blue bold text on yellow background
APPENDIX D - Auto Description Detection / Creation System
I would like to start off by saying that Tempest BBS Software was the
first in the world to offer file_id.diz,disk.id, & desc.sdi auto
description Detection/Creation on an Amiga run BBS Software Package.
In fact Tempest had it 5 months before anyone on amiga even attempted to
install a file_id system.
- Universal Detection on (dms,doc,dox,text,nfo,exe)
- File_id.diz Detection on (lha,lzh,zip)
- Desc.sdi Detection on (lha,lzh,zip)
- disk.id Detection on (lha,lzh,zip)
- Optional Ansi Stripping function to strip ansi out of file_id's
Suported Detection Formats:
.dms = DMSDESCRIPT util is required for this format.
.doc .dox .txt .nfo = TXTEXTRACT util is required for this formats.
.exe = EXEDESCRIPT util is required for this format.
.lha .lzh = LHA util is required for this formats.
.zip = UNZIP util is required for this format.
Suported Creation Formats:
.dms = DMSDESCRIPT util is required for this format.
.doc .dox .txt .nfo = TXTEXTRACT util is required for this formats.
.exe = EXEDESCRIPT util is required for this format.
.lha .lzh = LHA util is required for this formats.
.zip = ZIP util is required for this format.
APPENDIX E - Hydra Bi-Directional Protocol
I would like to start off by saying that Tempest BBS Software was the
first in the world to offer Hydra Bi-Directional Protocol on an Amiga
ran bbs.
- Upload / Download / Chat with sysop all at the same time or just
do single transfers as well.
- Duplicate Uploaded checking through Uploads.opt file in the optional
- Upload resume supported.
- You MUST use the CUSTOM THydra made for Tempest to use Hydra on
Tempest. If you are wanting to call a BBS and use Hydracom however you
will use the standard Hydracom for Amiga, and not! the CUSTOM one for
Tempest. They are completely different!
- The special THydra file for TEMPEST must be in the Root directory where
the Tempest exe is found.
- To do successful bi-directional transfers, the callers must have the
Hydra line setting set at 2400.
- Users wanting to use the Hydra Protocol must first go to the 'TS'
Terminal Settings Menu and change their protocol types to Hydra.
Amiga and AmigaDOS are registered trademarks of Commodore-Amiga, INC.
Paragon (C) 1989 by Jon Radoff and Eric Drewry.
TrapDoor (C) 1992 by Maximillian Hantsch and Martin Laubach.
A-Rexx (C) 1987 by William S. Hawes.